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May 2013 AW


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The May 2013 Aquarium World is due to go to the printers at the end of this month. This AW will be the last edition with Caryl as the Editor. Caryl has been Editor for 18 years. :bow:

So far not one article has been received for this magazine, not a single one!! :(

I would love to give Caryl a decent send off - so instead of expecting her to fill the magazine with articles she has written herself can some of you please write about your tanks, your fish or anything to do with the hobby. If you can help please either pm her or myself, we will happily give you assistance with editing. :thup:

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Thank you received my AW via email and it works perfectly, even on my tablet. Thank you Caryl for all your hard work that you have done for the magazine over the years it is appreciated, but we will see you around the forum.

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The link to the May AW was sent out this morning to all members for whom we have valid email addresses.

If you have not received a link and you do have email please contact your club officials in the first instance to find out if they have supplied the FNZAS Treasurer with the information.

For those members registered on the website the magazine will appear there within a couple of days.

Look forward to;

Learn about the Botia loaches from Asia

Go spotlighting

Learn how to medicate fish food

Find out more about danios and devarios

Get ideas for alternative fish ponds

Read the TFBIS update

See the article created from the aquaponics posts

Read Geoff's take on Knowledge and Education

Try the recipe for Nautical Dip (for humans, not fish)

Read the last on Darren's plec series - Otos and Pitbulls

He also did an interesting article on cephalopods in NZ

See the pictorial on Sophia's aquarium over the years

and more!!!

Thanks for that Jim and good to hear it worked well for you.

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i did not get the link ?

Have you done this? - If you have not received a link and you do have email please contact your club officials in the first instance to find out if they have supplied the FNZAS Treasurer with the information.

I do have an email address for you and the test email did not bounce back. Check 1. your spam box 2. that the email you have supplied your club secretary with is the correct one

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Adrienne can you please have it sent to me as well, I have not received it either for some reason.

I resent it to you the other night when you mentioned you did not have it however I note you have two email addresses registered with the fnzas though. The one it has been sent to is an orcon one. Please check and let me know if it is on there as it has not bounced back.


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It has not come through. I thought that when I got my email changed, that that address would become my default email and the orcon one discarded?

Sent to the other email I have for you. If it doesn't come through you may have to sort the security settings on your computer as it may be being blocked at your end.

Normally I would have absolutely no idea of the email addresses of the fishroom forum members. It is only because I have been assisting outside my normal treasurer duties that I have any idea of what has been going on.

Would you please let your club secretary know of your new email address as well.

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I also have not recived anything regarding AW and can not sign into members area to attempet to recive it there

I do not know who you are. Your club officials have not sent me through your fishroom name so please contact them and ask them to do so and check they have sent me your email address as well.

If I had your email address already you would have received a test email several weeks back and this is the address the link will have been sent to.

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I also have not recived anything regarding AW and can not sign into members area to attempet to recive it there

I have sent you a pm with the email address I have been given to use for you by your secretary. I've also asked to have the members section and members thread access opened up to you.This could take a few days.

Edit - my apologies to your secretary, your fish room name was there, just not popping up when searched for.

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