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Hi from Papamoa, Tauranga


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Our story......

We decided to become "tropical fish owners" back in Nov 2012...we trawled Trade me for weeks looking for a decent tank. Final we found one :) He being the "researcher" of the cpl, researched every site for information, on tanks, fish etc..... We brought our new tank home and started straight away to begin the cycle process. We brought some decorations and some Neon Tetras. A week later we headed to Animates in Bayfair and asked many questions....we came home with 2 x honey dwarf gourami's. We slowly added over the next month or two. We ended up with

5 x Neon's

2 x Honey Dwarf's

2 x Pearl Gourami's

2 x Bolivian Ram's

1 x Bristlenose Catfish

All was going well and they were one big happy family....UNTIL we added some Serpae Tetra's..............within a couple of weeks we lost so many fish :( We were mortified and a little disheartened. So here we are....wanting to hear from other fish owners, get advice, share stories and make friends :)

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Our story......

We decided to become "tropical fish owners" back in Nov 2012...we trawled Trade me for weeks looking for a decent tank. Final we found one :) He being the "researcher" of the cpl, researched every site for information, on tanks, fish etc..... We brought our new tank home and started straight away to begin the cycle process. We brought some decorations and some Neon Tetras. A week later we headed to Animates in Bayfair and asked many questions....we came home with 2 x honey dwarf gourami's. We slowly added over the next month or two. We ended up with

5 x Neon's

2 x Honey Dwarf's

2 x Pearl Gourami's

2 x Bolivian Ram's

1 x Bristlenose Catfish

All was going well and they were one big happy family....UNTIL we added some Serpae Tetra's..............within a couple of weeks we lost so many fish :( We were mortified and a little disheartened. So here we are....wanting to hear from

other fish owners, get advice, share stories and make friends :)

Hi and welcome. We are new too but funny enough also had trouble with Serpaes - dont know why they are classified as community fish

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Whether a fish becomes a "good community fish" depends on a number of factors;

number of fish - as fish loving being in a group the more of them you have the better behaved they ought to be towards others.

size of tank - bigger means more room for territories for individual species

order they were added - some fish will decide the whole tank is their territory if they are added first

type of other inhabitants - some cope with more boisterous fish than others

We have all had similar experiences I am sure and it does make you wonder sometimes why you keep fish! Sometimes this relaxing hobby :dnc1: is anything but :-?

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Thanks Caryl :)

The worst bit was losing 8 fish over a period of a couple of weeks, 4 Pearl Gourami's, 2 Honey Dwarf Gourami's and 2 Raspora's.....they had their tails chewed off etc.....it was just a shock waking in the morning to find them floating after we had only just replaced them. We do realise that these things happen and when your starting out, you learn and lose. But there is nothing like going to a shop and falling in love with so many different fish, the man literally has to drag me out before I've brought them all :lol: and sitting at night watching them is I think "calming to the soul".

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Whether a fish becomes a "good community fish" depends on a number of factors;

number of fish - as fish loving being in a group the more of them you have the better behaved they ought to be towards others.

size of tank - bigger means more room for territories for individual species

order they were added - some fish will decide the whole tank is their territory if they are added first

type of other inhabitants - some cope with more boisterous fish than others

We have all had similar experiences I am sure and it does make you wonder sometimes why you keep fish! Sometimes this relaxing hobby :dnc1: is anything but :-?


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  • 2 weeks later...
We have all had similar experiences I am sure and it does make you wonder sometimes why you keep fish! Sometimes this relaxing hobby is anything but

Because we are fish addicts :rolfl:

Welcome to the forum! I doubt there are many people who have not gone this...one thing you learn in keeping fish is that you are always LEARNING...it's never ending. Good luck! People here are awesome and so helpful!

Take care and have fun,

Caper :D

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