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Hello New Zealand

prison shepherd

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Hi all :D

I am Prison Shepherd, I am from Eastbourne,East Sussex,England,UK.

I am a Prison Officer/Control & Restraint Instructor working for HMPrison Service. 8)

I have a 48"x15"x18" trop with many fishies? Firemouths,Bulldog plecs,Bolivain Chiclids,Kribs,bamboo shrimps,Gaint whiptail,bumble bee cat,corys and a few other bits, in an indoor set up. I have also a breeding pair of Red Claw Crays, breeding Kribs and a Brine shrimp breeding set up. Also a 76"x18x18 with the shed doing the breeding of bits and bobs.

Hoping to start breeding Firemouths this week? :o

Hoping to get lots of help from everyone on here, always willing to learn.

Why have I joined this forum?..........Looking at moving the family over to NZ as the NZ prison service (Sorry correctional) are looking for Officers? Plus you lot in NZ are a nice bunch of people!! :lol:

Hope to post soon.

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Hi there Prison Sheherd,

Thank for the mail... I was going to answer, but saw you had joined a couple of forums :)

There's a lot more activity here than the other one, with lots of members with the same interests, so you should find lots of info here.

Nice to see some pics if you have some :)

Look forward to your posts,


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oooh, say hi to England from me! NZ is a great place to live! much better over here. not sure what the difference is fish wise really, as didnt keep fish when i lived there.

welcome and enjoy! might get to meet you too if you do make the big move!


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Well tank you all for the warm welcome :D

You have made me feel really at home!

As for the Rugby Cup...........We don't think it's done us much good in the 6 nations?

Yes there is a shortage of Prison Officers over there, so I will see how that goes,meeting NZ PPS over here this month.

So there is a Eastbourne oveR there too?

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