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Goldfish to big for tank?


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A common goldfish / comet etc optimal temp is between 20 - 22 degrees

A fancy goldfish, ie.. fantail, oranda etc is more suited to a tropical condition as they don't do well in cold conditions.

I give advice on my own experiences of my years of fish keeping, over the years i have tried many things have found certain things don't work, all i care about is the well being of the fish and it's up to sandaz to decide now what she thinks is best for her fish .. if she decides to keep it and put it into a tropical tank then fine, but I do hope you take on what we have said about having plenty of oxgyen.

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i kept 4 comets and one oranda in a tropical tank 26-28 degrees c for two years, in that time they grew from 4cm to 20cm, spawned several times, ate 20 fully grown penguin tetras, and got so big and fat that i ended up giving them to ronnie to go in his auckland outdoor pond. where they are to this day, still growing, still eating like pigs...

considering goldfish originally come from tropical climates, and are kept all over the world in places like america where fish tanks sit at tropical temps without heating, it is only logical to assume that they will be fine in tropical temp waters. logic aside, i, and many others have seen first and second hand how successful goldfish are in tropical temps. in fact, i believe that keeping them in an unheated tanks or ponds over NZ winter where temps can drop to freezing is a lot worse than keeping them just a few degrees above the "norm". for the fishes comfort, it's most important to keep the temperature constant and consistent.

i apologise on behalf of fnzas that you are getting conflicting advise here. do some research on the internet and you will find the truth for yourself, there is tons of information out there on keeping gold fish.

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I understood it was more that you should not mix goldfish with tropical fish (different disease possibilities?) not that they did not do well at tropical temperatures.

Their lifespan is shortened in warmer temperatures. I have no idea whether this is by months or years though :dunno:

As mentioned, a lot also depends on the type of goldfish. Not all are created equal :wink:

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You can definately keep goldfish in a tropical tank. In asia the temperature can com up to 30deg daily so there is no difference in keeping them in tropical tank. You will need a lot of airations and waterchanges because goldfish eat alot and poop alot so water quality can go bad overnight in a tank.


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too true. goldfish are the worst for wastage! i was holding four 15-20cm goldfish in a 200l tank for a few days, and i had to change 90% of the water twice daily, morning and night, just to stop them from stinking out my bedroom - but it still stank!

did i tell you about the time i had one of them out of the water, in my hand, upside down, trying to vent it to determine gender, and it peed this long warm jet of stinky wees all up my arm past my elbow...?! haha!

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I understood it was more that you should not mix goldfish with tropical fish (different disease possibilities?) not that they did not do well at tropical temperatures.

Their lifespan is shortened in warmer temperatures. I have no idea whether this is by months or years though :dunno:

As mentioned, a lot also depends on the type of goldfish. Not all are created equal :wink:

almost right... life shortened in cooler temps tho will still live about 3/4 of their normal life expectancy unless other conditions prevent life length (eg tank size) in which case life length is about the same

people will scratch their heads about this one but.. carps (and goldfish as goldfish is a breed of carps) will grow to the maximum size their environment will allow and then die (so the pet store guy was right in a sense it wont grow too big for the tank (it will just die) goldfish in the wild have been rumored to live to over 150 years old by some monks lol) tho i believe the oldest captive goldfish is only 43 at 11.5cm at death the wild ones have been caught over 1m in length (a quick search on google showed one weighing 13.6kg)

carp and also inherently goldfish are related to crocodiles and frogs both also share this growth trait that will grow to size of their environment but usually die when getting to large by the energy spent to move to amount to eat ratio, so in effect starving to death

as to different disease possibilities yes this is also true but not too common, primarily due to not many people mixing goldfish with other tropical fish, yes they co exist in the wild but once in captivity because of how the live fish market is structured different strains of diseases have occurred on tropical s and goldfish from each other, mostly inherent to how messy goldfish are (one of the messiest of all freshwater fish) is why they are not usually mixed in the market, this messiness means that tanks need to be kept a closer attention to them as to not make other fish sick with their waste, so if keeping a clean tank wont have much of a problem, but too much effort and not necessary for the breeders or importers to deal with, due to goldfish having been raised this way the other strains of disease is one of the main reasons why goldfish and carp(inherently) have different more strict importing regulations into nz

long story short (great when short story is at the end) goldfish can live in tropical waters with other tropical fish in large tanks

fyi: goldfish have minimum 3 month memory span can recognize objects and can be trained to do tricks by use of different colored lights (don't ask what tricks because i don't know that's a wiki quote about the lights and tricks)

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too true. goldfish are the worst for wastage! i was holding four 15-20cm goldfish in a 200l tank for a few days, and i had to change 90% of the water twice daily, morning and night, just to stop them from stinking out my bedroom - but it still stank!

did i tell you about the time i had one of them out of the water, in my hand, upside down, trying to vent it to determine gender, and it peed this long warm jet of stinky wees all up my arm past my elbow...?! haha!

that's hilarious! :rotf: :lar: :gpo2:

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