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another new tank aquanano 40 questions


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righto so yesterday i went down the lfs after spending the day sick in bed oogling nano tanks :slfg: (bad idea btw never go the lfs after youve been on the net all day looking at fish and tanks) so anyway story go's i walk in looking at buying a small 30 - 40ltr'sish tank to start a wee nano planted tank and whata ya know right there front and center staring at me is a aqua one aquanano 40.... so this thing is a 55l 40x40x40 cube it has a sort of sump system built into the back of it which consists of foam to start (going to replace with poret lol) then second chamber is bio noodles and in the thrid is the heater and pump (which is rated at 500lph so almost 10x's the tanks volume :D) and a little 18w Pl light that clips on. happy days! i thought great this will fit perfectly in the spot i wanted to put a tank the lounge haha. so anyway i walk out of the store a happy man with my new baby get home and set the little bugger up then straight back on the net deciding what to do! what im planing on getting from this wee tank is a nice little iwagimi style tank which will house 4 - 5 micro fish ither Microrasbora ethromycron/emeral dwarf rasbora, Boraras maculatus/spotted dawrf rasbora and a couple ottos or corys

or a couple dawf puffers

oooor if my other lfs gets the little shrimps they had in a while ago mabie them :thup:

im going to use flourite black sand as substrate this time so i can compare the difference between that and my monando in the big tank

plants will be - glossostigma elatinoides foreground cover, dawf sag inbetween and behind the rocks and christmass moss on the rocks themself's

im going to run co2 in the tank as i already have almost everything needed for it (bubble counter , anti return vavle, diffuser, co2 tank(ex paintball), adaptor for regulator) all i need now is the regulator

and i will be using valrays ferts for dosing :)

so what i need to know is the 18w pl going to be any good for growing carpeting plants eg glossostigma. or am i better off upgrading to something like this http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/lights-lamps/auction-538247634.htm or any other sugestions?


pics to come :D

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nice choice in tank, I think they are one of the best nano designs around commercially.

if you've got the CO2 setup I would say go for a heavily planted dwarf puffer tank

just remember to leave the puffers til last to add to allow your snails time to begin, and also set up a snail breeding bucket as well before you start

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nice choice in tank, I think they are one of the best nano designs around commercially.

if you've got the CO2 setup I would say go for a heavily planted dwarf puffer tank

just remember to leave the puffers til last to add to allow your snails time to begin, and also set up a snail breeding bucket as well before you start

yeah i was realy impressed with the plug and playness of this tank it has everything and looks great i think the only thing i will need to upgrade is the lighting like i said oh and my 120ltr tank is a snail breeding bucket :slfg:

Nice one dude, got a bad case of mts going on too aye :slfg:

haha yep the gf thinks ive gone crazy

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You're on the right track with the CO2 and the PL lighting will be enough for HG, not sure about Glosso as my success with Glosso is limited. If you have a look at any well aquascaped tanks, you'll be hard pressed to find a decent looking cube iwagumi layout. Most of the iwagumis are at least 2:1 if not longer. Cube tanks do better with a steep slope and strong rock work.

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my plan is to slope up the left back corner and have 1 large rock in the middle and 2 smaller rocks ither side and a few evin smaller rocks scattered around those. but we will see what happens still need to find me some rocks i like haha

and yeah im not having a lot of luck with my glosso ither at the moment but im hoping it go's better in this set up.

good to hear about the pl's tho im thinking if i keep them i will upgrade the bulb to one of these http://www.aquaone.net.nz/cart_product2431-1-2520.html?Title=AQUA%20ONE%20PL%20TUBE%2018W%20SUNLIGHT

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I would recommend the PL tube with one side sunlight and one side tropical, higher in the red and blue spectrums which drive photosynthesis better

i thought about that but i cant find any links with colour spectrums of the tunes :an!gry

Would you mind linking me a picture of the sort of scape you're trying to achieve?

i havnt actualy found one thats like what i want lol i have the picture in my head lol this is the closest i can find i want the 2 smaller rocks closer to the large one tho


and yes only takes one tube but you can buy ones that are half and half so half sunlight half tropical

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What are these worth?

They look cool.

Mine was i think $250 in the shop but i spend so much bloody money down there between the dog, fish and kitten the lady told me shed do it for $200 i think because she knows if i get discounts im usually more likely to buy sumit :slfg:

And as for the light tubes i think i will go with the tropical / sunlight

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This tank is cool! I would probably set it up as a crazzzzzy densely planted tank. It's viewable from three sides so that makes it an ideal densely planted tank. I wonder if there's another clip on lighting system you could use? Even order another one of the lights it comes with as supplimentary lighting to keep with the look?

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im really not that keen on another densly planted tank once the big one takes off that'll it make 2 densly planted and i want something a little different and more chilled in the lounge lol and also where it sits it will only be viewable from the front heres a pic of where its going to sit


i was looking at led's did you see the link in the original post? how do you think that would do?

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oh yeah good point i didnt think of that lol i will have to move the speaker :P

as for the art its all done by my flat mate hes super talented and has done heaps of big murals and dose heaps of canvas's as well! check out his website here http://gwilart.com/ and his face book here https://www.facebook.com/gwilart?fref=ts

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right i know im probably going to get flamed for this but im shutting this tank down and going to use it as a nano reef as i already have two planted fw tanks and want to try something different and a new challange. feel free to lock this thread mods there will be no further updates.

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