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looking for some advice


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My neighbour has just come over and said he is interested in evoloving from fish, frogs and birds to fish, frogs, birds and lizards. He is looking for something relativly easy care and hardy as it is his first one but one that is also nice. He is planing on build the enclosure after he has decided on the animal so he can make it an approprite size for an adult creature

Any thoughts ideas advice I can pass onto him?

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I would give you useful help if you wrote stuff without errors in english translation that was sooooooo easy to poke fun at.

Beardies do ok outside and im sure they would do well in the nelson climate.

if he wants t go inside recomend LEopard geckos, as they are (supposedly as I have never had the pleasure) easy care reptiles as long as you have a good supply of live food.

also a good option would be Axo's or Turtles (they have sooo much personality, PM DonnaM for heaps of help)

I personally would steer clear of bluetongues, they are great reptiles but if he is not 100% keen they can be a bit boring even though they are rather tame, they just don't move too much.

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I would give you useful help if you wrote stuff without errors in english translation that was sooooooo easy to poke fun at.

I am sorry that my english and grammer is average, have you considered that maybe its my second languge and i am trying very hard to master it? i bet you didnt. And its not so bad that you can't tell what I am trying to say or ask, because you clearly can.

Hes not keen on turtles or axo's. he got the turtle buzz out of the way with my old ones and doesnt like axo's at all :thup:

thank you for your help I will pass it on to him

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seriously sorry if i've annoyed or offended you in any way, im a bit of a sarcastic person and poke fun at anything that moves.

im not trying to be mean or anything, just making jokes in poor taste. I won't promise that I won't do it again, but know that it is not out of malicious intent. I do the same to anthonylaw and his english is worse than yours even though its his first language.

damn there I go again

I know because you said so last time I gave you a ribbing. its just the Kiwi thing to do, at least your not an aussie, they don't know how to take a joke.

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funnily enough you dont know why I would say that last time as English is my first and only language. :smln: Now that was very much some good fun :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: did you like what I did there? because I did ! :digH:

ohhh and we are well and truely :smot:

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I have beardies and leopard geckos. Leps would be easier to keep inside as they require less space and don't need UV lights. Both require live food so before even building an enclosure I would suggest you get very deep pockets or get very good at breeding your own live food. Start with mealworms then graduate to locusts and crickets so you can give them a mixed diet of suitable live food. There is plenty of good advice on the internet for looking after both and a few people on here with knowledge of keeping both.

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I would also recommend leopard geckos. A LOT easier and cheaper to care for than bearded dragons/water dragons etc.

Leopards don't need UV, don't need a very large enclosure, are easy to feed and clean. Can be kept on a diet of mainly mealworms (which are the cheapest live food available) but I would definitely recommend using other live food as well for variety.

My lot all eat lots of locusts, mealworms, wax worms etc

Only down side is they're nocturnal so you don't see much of them during the light hours. Although they do often get up in the late afternoon.

You need pretty deep pockets as alan said if you get a dragon, they eat a lot; and live food gets REALLY expensive if you're not breeding yourself.

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