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barebottom with substrate ---- yes, you heard right


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my next tank - aro comm monstrosity i want tob e bare bottom

but i HATE the bracing look.

so i considrered 2 massive sheets of glass at the bottom so its braced but effectively looks unbraced... if that makes sense.


i decided, i want the bare bottom effect but the substrate look

so im going to coat the bottom with silicone, and spread the desired substrate onto the bottom, thsi way, it looks natural, but no way the muck can penetrate the 'substrate' and has the bare bottom effect of cleanliness.

AND no worries about bracing cos youc an just build up around the edge of it and it will be invisible....

elegant solution i thought

but this is the feedback and critique time.

any issues you foresee

here are some that you might come up with

1) mvoing it would be hard cos its heavier.

I will never move the tank, i will build another onsite where ever i go, tank size im looking at cannot be moved

2) it might be so cool and such an awesome idea that one could explode

yes, that is a problem but i will deal with it in time:)

thanks for your help in advance

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sounds like a plan, what about instead of Glueing all your substrate to the bottom, looking at a sheet type substrate (like for turtles)

another idea.

where and what type?

could be more expensive perhaps?

i was thinking tiling but tiling can be ugly! doesnt lok too natural.

i was also thinking using stone veneer, but thats expensive!!

you know the stone veneer you get for cladding.

not sure if they change water parameters though.

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I still think it could be too abrasive for bottom dwelling fish like your plecs, but I guess it depends on what substrate you use. I think it'll be a PITA when you decide you want a different looking substrate...

yes, i think mind changing could be the main issue.

i blacked out the bottom of the glass and just put my aro in it this evening, looks very nice bare bottom with black bottom.

very sleek, new age type of look haha

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after seeing blacked out bottom bare bottom, i may try that first.

see how it goes.

i dont plan on having lots of current at the bottom of the tank eventually, so could be ok if i wanna try a thin layer of substrate perhaps.

its a tough call. permanent is permanent, so gotta think bout it quite a bit.

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