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Hikari Discus Bio-Gold vs tetra colourbits


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i found also when i was keeping discus, hikari bio gold is less likely to break apart. they like it more and they dont make as much of a mess.

maybe the texture?

but i found that tetra colour bits would easily be chewed up and spit out while the hikari stuff, they tend to not do that as much

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ive found some Hikari Discus Bio-Gold 1kg for $150 is this a good price?

i guess compare themt ot he store per kg perhaps, not sure, havent used it for ages.

But i must say, Hikari is awesome, hikari does the job, hikari.... fantastic........



no, never....

(cough fluval is awesome)

nah, wouldn't dream of something like that

tetra bits are awesome for redness, but if you have discus that isnt red, then maybe hikari discus bio gold is better?

sera also make a product for blue and red discus. never used them.

i actually dont know what compound is responsible for the 'blueness' of fish.

Or gold colouration for that matter.

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i agree with henward bout the hikari, they seem to really really go for the taste of it and not spit it out. jbl novo bits are good too but they still prefer hikari. hollywood FF doesn't sell it anymore, weird. but it's on TM @ $19.50/80g.. very good deal because that x 10 = $195/800g

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colour enhancers to look out for

Astaxanthine = Red,

Beta Carotiene=red/orange



Zeaxanthine = yellow


Phyocyanine= Blue

however caroteinoids can enhance other colours

University of Hawaii researchers cited previous research which found that fish could sometimes metabolize carotenoids and use them to intensify colors in a different range from the carotenoid the consumed. For example, Discus fed astaxanthin and Beta carotene (orange) intensified the fish’s blue coloration.

IMO the best colour enhancer you can get is to keep your fish happy

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