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Strange happenings in africa land


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ok have a nice active and peaceful (for a mbuna setup) african tank. normally the fish are always up from watching you, playing with each other, and generally being cute lil nutters. yesterday they suddenly became very spooked, any movement would send them scattering for their caves, went back to normal after about an hour or so, but did the same again today for a bit (about 1/2hour each time)

water params = all perfect, 0 0 >20 7.8

I am thinking the heater might be shorting out sending stray voltage into the tank. is there any easy way to test this???

and no, no kids have annoyed the tank either

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you wont feel under about 20+v unless you have a cut/etc

I has some fish act more or less the same with symptoms with a powerhead leaking some 15v, could just feel it through a pull on a fingernail.

You will probably beable to pick up some voltage just through/from induction

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mul·tim·e·ter/ˈməltiˌmētər/Noun: An instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value.

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I would think that if there is a problem with the heater leaking juice you would see moisture in it.

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