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Hunting for silver community fish


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I'm starting a fresh Silver/Blue-themed tank and am looking for a specific few fish. If anyone in Auckland might be a source of these, karma will forever be on your side. I know these are available at most retail places, but we're all looking for a bargain, right?

Cochu blue tetra - about 10

Pictus catfish - One

Silver dollars - 2 or 3

Silver shark - One

Siamese fighter (blue only, crown-tailed) - One

Ghost catfish - 2 to 5

Of course, if anyone has any suggestions as to other smaller-growing fish that might suit, give me a whistle.

.) Reuben

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yours will be about 1/2 grown, expect them to get to 12inches (30cm) they tend to be slow growers and once slightly older they get quite territorial, sorry but youll have to rehome one of them eventually anthony

hehe funny.. :slfg: pitted they male and female so i shouldnt have any worrys. :happy1:

.and you not getting them :yaw1:

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Colombian tetras would work well as a replacement for the silver dollars. And you could get a moonlight gourami instead of the silver shark.

Another fish that is blue is the electric blue german rams, which could replace the fighter.

So a possible stock list is:

Cochu Blue Tetra - 20+

Colombian tetras - 9

Moonlight Gourami - 4

Electric Blue Ram - 2/4

Bristlenose - 1 to keep the tank clean

The tank will have to be 3ft, preferably 4ft and have a canister filter.

You're unlikely to find any of these fish being bred, apart from maybe the rams, so either keep an eye on Trademe or buy them slowly from a fish shop

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