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12L Nano


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From what I hear dwarf puffers are a really aggressive fish and I would put it down to them being the culprit that's causing your other fish to jump dude. Also I didn't think you were supposed to keep 2 of them together because they will more than likely kill each other in the long run.

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From what I hear dwarf puffers are a really aggressive fish and I would put it down to them being the culprit that's causing your other fish to jump dude. Also I didn't think you were supposed to keep 2 of them together because they will more than likely kill each other in the long run.

Before I read this post I was thinking exactly the same thing about the puffers causing the other fish to jump. I have kept them and the two original ones I had were fine together but they killed off the 4 new additions.

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  • 4 weeks later...


2 or 3 weeks ago my stock of live food died and so the puffers had to go a week and a bit without food while I waited for more to arrive. I was getting nervous towards the end as they wouldn't eat anything and were starting to look thin. However food arrived just in time and I got them nice and fat again. Skip forward a week, and I go on holiday for a week and bit a rely on my friends to feed them at least twice. I was worried again as they had to go 4 days without food before my friends got back to feed them...the puffers had only just recovered from their previous starving so I wasn't sure how it would turn out.

I got back last night to find both puffers and otto still alive and looking nice and fat. :thup:


I had been suffering from algae problems before I left, and I thought the holiday would be a nice time to reduce the photo period. So I dropped it down to 6 hours a day, and set off on holiday.

When I got back... I found this:


Somehow I had managed to flick the switch on the timer and the light had stayed on for 12 days straight. Apparently last Tuesday when my friends got back, they found the water level below half! (I don't know how much they exaggerated that)

Also this is what my worms' food looked like.

Disgusting but quite cool.


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That looks neat! :thup: Well done. I have just started to let Hydro grow out the top of my nano.. I'm encouraging the algae to build up too so I have an on hand supply of greenwater plus it looks badass.

I really think you did lose your fish to your puffers. They look like the most peaceful floating things, very inquisitive and gentle. Until a Bumblebee Goby gets it in their mind they're gunna fin nip then BOOYAH! FO Says the puffer and FO does the Goby.

In this size, I'd leave them be tank mate wise, you'll have enough problems when they start to mature in 12L.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last shot of the Flowering Hygro:


I've also been getting a really slimy film on top of the tank. I remove most of it most days but every day it is back.

The only thing I have been doing that could cause it dosing excel. Quite heavily too to get rid of algae (which is 90% gone!)

Photo of it...


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