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Hi hi peoples :)

Thorned Rose

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I'm Rose and I've been lurking here for a while now so decided I should finally register and introduce myself. >.<

A little about me - I'm a mama with three chidlets and one on the way. I study psychology (with an eventual specialisation in prenatal, perinatal, postnatal psychology and Attachment Theory). I'm a website designer by trade but am currently only doing web hosting and the very odd graphics/web design project so I can focus more on my family, study and community work.

I've had M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis aka Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome) for about 10 years now which means I'm stuck at home most of the time. I also struggle with exhaustion and get stressed very easily - but I've always found water, the ocean and aquariums hugely relaxing. I've had an on off background with tropical freshwater and after getting some guppies and otocinclus for my daughter on her birthday (which I of course have ended up looking after 90% of the time!), my nigh on lifelong want of my own aquarium was reignited.

Maybe I'm completely nuts, but I decided this time I want a marine tank. Insane for the fact that this could well set a record for the cheapest 240L ever set up lol. Needless to say that because of my limited budget I expect it will take months just to get all the bits together! But I am determined to get there in the end and at least I'll have plenty of time to read (yet more!) books, articles and information that I can get my hands on! (I swear the librarians give me funny looks every time I pick up 10 more aquarium books lol!)

I look forward to talking to y'all more :)

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Welcome :wave:

I hope you realise it isn't just the cost of setting up a marine so much, but the ongoing costs that many find difficult, compared to freshwater tanks.

That's definitely already planned into my weekly budget ^^ I tend to be super organised (because my memory is so flaky lol). Well, "tend" and "super" might be understatements. Funnily enough as well, because I don't get to go out much, I don't spend money on lots of petrol, movies... what else is it that people with social lives do? It's been so long I can't remember :/

At any rate, it's been taken into account :)

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