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pumping capacity vs salinity


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Im not sure if the title gives the right discription of my question but I will get to the point

This came as a little surprise to me but the salinity of my tank was a little low so over the course of two water changes I have increased it (was .20 now .22)

What I have noticed is that flow from the main return pump has decreased(it is pumping it 14 ft from under my house) quite dramatically.

I understand that the salinity is measured by gravity but would .2 have made that much difference?

It is what it is, but Im just wondering if anybody else has noticed this type of thing?


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It will be adding about 2cm in head?

4m of head of fresh water in a 20mm pipe would weigh about 5.026kg

water at sg of 1.20 would weigh about 6.032kg

water at sg of 1.22 would weigh about 6.132kg

would an extra 100 grams make all that much difference?

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ok being a little lazy on the typing out numbers my salinity reads 1.022 it was 1.020.

Thinking that's spot on? tested NSW on weekend and thats what it read too.


Interesting. When I was using NSW it was always about 1.028, while the mid range for a reef tank is about 1.026.

The extra little bit of viscosity and weight from the salinity would be pretty negligible, far outweighed by things like friction in the plumbing, clogged intakes, clogged outlets, kings in the hoses, etc.

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henry the eight wore hose

Were his men and horses any good at putting eggs back together?

Stupid autocorrect guessing the wrong words, I'd turn it off but I don't have the nerve to stab myself in the forearms and hands trying to find it and dig it out.

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Theres no kinks or kings :slfg: blockages or any other changes made, just uped the salinity abit.

Its not a problem, it was just a observation.

Whats even weirdier that buleether noted that it would add another 2 cm of head.....

thats about how much the water level dropped in the overflow. :dunno:

Tank still going great 3 months on, gees these little marine fish a greedy buggers.

I suppose its about time I put some pics up aye.

all the best


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