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Help Help Help Fish arriving... dont know if tank is cycled


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My tank has been set up for 2 weeks.. I used 5 buckets of water out of my other two tanks that have been set up for years

tank is 3 feet

Tomorrow im adding gravel and a heater when it arrives in the post..

So its been going for about 2 weeks with no heater or gravel... STUPID ME washed out the filter instead of using tank water

Its 3 feet..

I got 50 guppies coming later in the week

They all have to go into this tank as the other one had white spot in it and the other tank has one mean as angel fish in it that will beat the lot up.

I dont want to put the angel fish in the lounge as that tank had white spot and its jaws it will honestly eat anything in its way i remember it eating one of my platy fry!

Anyhow i have no testing kitt. So if i change water every 2 days for a few weeks will it be ok????

The guppies were are bargain and good stock


I had ammonia issues before its not nice with no test kitt

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If you want to lose most of the guppies its fine but without filter going it wouldnt have cycled properly if at all.angels arent nasty they will eat fry though.you should really get tank sorted then get fish otherwise youl just lose them daily and have no good stock

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Yes I understand that the filter has been running for about two weeks but i did wash the sponge under the tap

What about if I get the guppies and then keep changing the water????

I aint turning them down when the person is goin to deliver them

ANd i dont want to put them in the tank with the white spot either.

The angel fish lives on his own in another one as hes a big meanie so cant go in there lol

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Should be fine, as long as you keep up the water changes...

Nitrosimonas and nitrobacter will be alive in your substrate, the glass itself even...

until you get the numbers back up....

W/C, W/C and then W/C some more...

20-30% daily is best for first couple weeks. A couple Tea-spoons of salt help keep white-spot at bay in freshwater.

Biggest thing you should be doing, is either having seperate gear for each tank or make up a weak bleach solution [MAKE SURE THAT IT HAS NO SURFACTANTS!!!] (so you can only JUST smell it) to disinfect gear between tanks, and avoid spreading the W-spot around the place...

Good luck :thup:

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+1 you will need a cycled tank. You're tank will not be cycled due to being in coldwater. Plus it takes 6 weeks to cycle the tank.


Go buy an ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kit.

Put in your heater and put your filter on.

Once your guppies arrive do large daily water change until tank is cycled.

IMO 50 guppies is way too much for a 3 foot tank. Plus fry.

You can't put them with the angel fish, then don't take them, unless you want to do 50-90% daily water changes and run the risk of getting white spot due to stress.

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+1 you will need a cycled tank.
not necessarily, though it would have been preferable... too late to wish and dream now...

You're tank will not be cycled due to being in coldwater. Plus it takes 6 weeks to cycle the tank.

Missed the coldwater part, Yea, you going to have to do something about that... like:


Go buy an ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kit. Ammonia and nitrite should be sufficient, nitrate is harmless to fish, but will cause algae blooms if left - solution = W/C

Put in your heater and put your filter on.

Once your guppies arrive do large daily water change until tank is cycled.

unless you want to do 50-90% daily water changes and run the risk of getting white spot due to stress.

:facepalm: NEVER, EVER do 50-90% changes... you WILL kill fish doing that... :evil:

You should know better Squirt, even though you may of been exaggerating, people will take you seriously= :dead%fish

20-30% daily should be sufficient, twice daily 30% changes are better than 1 x 60% change...

Start looking for a bigger tank if you intend to keep them in these numbers, or do some serious culling of individuals that you least like the look of upon arrival... keep your female numbers down to avoid a population explosion...

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I presumed it was fine. I thought discus breeders did large water changes (90%?).

I normally do 50% weekly water changes which never stints the filter or fish (but in saying this I have 4 danios and a turtle in a 540L) ammonia=0 nitrite=0 and nitrates=10ppm after a 90% water change on Saturday.... :slfg:

But anyway I'm pretty noobish compared to some people on this forum, but if you can't do >50% I would do atleast 2x20% WC a day. Especially with 50 guppies in a 3 footer. Plus IF fish die then they will need to removed ASAP either wise you will have an even larger ammonia spike.


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Thanks everyone i will do the water changes and hope for the best

Ive seen tanks with 100s of guppies in them 2 foot and up

I want to breed to resell so will see how it goes I do have space in my tank in the lounge that had the white spot the fish died that had it so....

Maybe i should half the guppies in there and half in here

God last time i had guppies in all 3 tanks i had them coming out of my ears was good thou as I use to sell lots of fry but I depleted my stock

I really dont want a bigger tank than 3 feet

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I may have read it wrong but don't you still have another cycled tank that does not have white spot? Take half the filter media from that and add it to the new filter. Or, if the angel doesn't have white spot, use the filter in that tank and put the new one in with the angel. One angel will need a lot less filtration that 50 guppies.

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Caryl Angel fish is doing great. bloody thing had it for 4 yrs lol.

Anyway... the guppy tank has an EHIEM 2010 filter in it... big one and the angel fish tank has 2 x smaller filters in it should i just take the whole filter out of the angel tank and add it to this one???

I was going to get an external filter but will wait for a few months until tank is totally settled

I dont mind a small daily water change

my hose hooks up to my shower so its not a biggie

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pH is the killer here, or more precisely, a large change in pH. Coupled with the temperature change can be enough to kill most species...

Try losing 20 lemon tetras that were just starting to breed, because I was trying to re-create a large water-flush to induce them to all breed together... :facepalm:

EDIT: I just re-read what I typed before and the tone is all wrong :oops: , didn't mean to put you down Squirt, just thought you would have known... soz bro...

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...and the angel fish tank has 2 x smaller filters in it should i just take the whole filter out of the angel tank and add it to this one???


I dont mind a small daily water change

my hose hooks up to my shower so its not a biggie

That is what I would do, take one of the smaller filters from the angle tank and place in the guppy tank and keep the EHIEM 2010 filter running in the new guppy tank

An do ~30% w/c each day

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pH is the killer here, or more precisely, a large change in pH. Coupled with the temperature change can be enough to kill most species...

Try losing 20 lemon tetras that were just starting to breed, because I was trying to re-create a large water-flush to induce them to all breed together... :facepalm:

EDIT: I just re-read what I typed before and the tone is all wrong :oops: , didn't mean to put you down Squirt, just thought you would have known... soz bro...

:slfg: all good. I took it as a learning curve, I've never owned delicate fish and made assumptions but hardy animals like danios and turtles can take a 90% WC whereas more delicate fish can't.

pH and a change in temperature is a killer, but if you're doing daily WCs then you're tap water and tank water should have similar chemitrys (in terms of pH) and if you get the temperature right it should be OK (not that I recommend anymore ;) )

But I don't test pH and my tank went from 28C to 32C and back down to 28C and I still have all four danios to this day :thup:

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can allways take your water to a LFS for free testing

:facepalm: completely forgot about this!

Any LFS worth its salt should be able to do it... dunno how they would feel if you were in there daily, but least gives you something to go on...

all good. I took it as a learning curve

Good attitude to have, wish more were like it... :thup:

But I don't test pH and my tank went from 28C to 32C and back down to 28C and I still have all four danios to this day :thup:

Gradual rather than "shock" change :wink:

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I would pinch the angel's filter

+1 I agree with Carole and change some media from a cycled tank to the new tank. Or even change the whole filter and do small (depending on size of tank) WCs on the angels tank

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Sorry i got a bit messed up with the posts

I am putting angels filter in there now

As angel has 2 and dont need it.............

If it goes belly up i will have to put them in the tank that had the white spot

How long does the white spot take to go away ive added salt and put the temp up to 28.

What temp should I put the guppy tank on ??? i use to only have 25

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