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Sick Oscar - White bump on top of head


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I have just noticed that one of my Oscars has a white bump on it's head that I'm sure wasn't there yesterday.

It's had to get a clear pic , this is the best I have been able to get :


The tank is still cycling, ammonia is ok the last 2 nights, but nitrate and nitrite are still very high, I have been doing 1/3 water changes.

The other fish in the tank don't see as distressed as this one . It has been the most easily distressed since I got the tank and fish. It has always been breathing herder that the others.


pH: 6.8

Ammonia: 0.25 mg/L

Nitrite : 1.0 mg/L

Nitrate: 10 mg/L

end Edit

Is there any one in Hamilton (East) that would be able to stop by and take a look I'm new at this, and need some help. Willing to shout pizza n beer if needs be :-)

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Thanks for the feedback.

I managed to touch the area, was difficult it wouldn't stay still long enough to actually feel the texture of the infected area. And the other Oscar made a few moves at me lol ..

Seems there is a tiny hole in the center , and a small sting mucus or some secretion after I touched the area. I can't get a pic of it as the camera on my phone is to slow to get the detail needed :-( ..

This is the best I can get.


Looking at it again the hole seems to have gone. Are new scales white ?

Any suggestions with this new information ..


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I had a look at that. Its very possible :-( ..

This morning he was resting on the bottom of the tank , when disturbed him, it looked like he had blood coming out of the gills , clouds of brown stuff , and he's really battling to breadth.

Ammonia was near 0 this morning, Nitrate and Nitrite where down for yesterday , I did a 1/3 water change , and added the normal water treatment.

I can't cycle the tank any faster. And lots of large water changes are going to make it take longer for the bacteria to build up. Should I be looking at using one of those nitrate lock type to help detox the tank and give him a chance to recover ?

I'm at a loss.. It would be really sad to loose him as the 2 Oscars have been together for a long time and seem to be paired. :-(

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Personally I am not a fan of adding chemicals and prefer lots of daily water changes if water conditions are not good. If you mean something like Prime though I guess it can't hurt.

If it is HITH you need to treat it with the correct medication too.

Good luck.

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He's not sounding good at all :-?

I would up the water changes to a 1/3 3 times a day if need be, got to be better than using chemicals.

You need to treat him with Metronidazole :wink:

200mg per 40 Litre's

Preferably in a tank on his own.

Get well soon Mr Oscar :wink:

What will the effect of Metronidazole be on the other fish as I have no where to put them or him :-( ?

Do I get that from the petshop ?



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Can only be obtained from a Vet.

Just not good to treat all your other fish if they don't need it, be abit like us taking antibiotics for no reason I guess.

Have you upped your Water Changes??

That would be a start :wink:

Some days up to 1/2 , yesterday 2 x 1/3 , this morning almost 1/2 depending on the state of the water .. last couple of days ammonia is near 0 , and the nitrate , nitrate where still high but much better .

Problem is the tanks hasn't cycled yet so throwing away the water I'm loosing bacteria that I'm growing. Lol last time I buy a tank that comes with fish in it..

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Do yo know of anyone you can get some cycled media off, that will speed up the ycling process.

Not a huge amount of the bacteria is stored in the water anyway, far better to try and get hold of some cycled media if you can.

I have some Metro I can send to you, just not sure it will get to you in time :-?

What size tank is it and what filter are you running on it.

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The rapid breathing might be nitrite poisoning causing Methaemoglobinemia. This form of haemoglobin can not transport oxygen. Emergency treatment is with chloride ions ie. by adding a small amount of tonic salt. And then remove the salt with water changes.

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Do yo know of anyone you can get some cycled media off, that will speed up the ycling process.

Not a huge amount of the bacteria is stored in the water anyway, far better to try and get hold of some cycled media if you can.

I have some Metro I can send to you, just not sure it will get to you in time :-?

What size tank is it and what filter are you running on it.

No don't know anyone , IV asked the local pet n fish stores with no luck. Its 300L tank im running a 350 classic ehieme filter since Tuesday. I have added a nitrasorbe pouch to this filter. I'm still running the other 100L fiter I bought in error, that also has a nirtasorb pouch in it since Monday, this filter replaced the one I got with the tank 2 weeks ago that was doa , un fortunelty I got the tank at the same time there were dramas at wor so the poor fish have suffers for my errors.

I did a small water change 1/4 as the ammonia is 0 , and the nitx are almost correct. Will check it before I go bed. I have added aquarium salt based on the water I have replaced.

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I did wonder about the wisdom of washing the gravel when you moved the tank in that other thread even though it looked filthy as it might have been better to leave the fish as you got them, and gradually have improved their conditions. It might be that this fish got some trauma in the move which is now infected, as well as being stressed by a new cycle. My own experience of massive environmental change ie. a clean has not been good :(

I see some clubs maintain a database of users who can provide cycled media for emergency use ... perhaps the admins here might consider setting up such a service?

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Start a new Thread.


See what replies you get :wink:

I would have certainly left the gravel as it was, just chucked it back into the tank after setup, and slowly gravel clean as needed, but can't turn that back now.

So best bet now is to find some cycled media.

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New symptom :

As of last night when I got home I noticed he has scales that are falling off.


Good news :

He's up and swimming around so far no more blood from the gills that I can see. The water parameters have stabilized with ph 6.8 and the rest down to 0. I have been treating with aquarium salt. The nitra-zorb pouches seem to be doing the trick.

Only thing now is to get him to eat, he's been off food for last couple of days.

I did 1/4 water change this morning. So long as the water is healthy I'm going to keep the changes to a minimum and will keep a close eye on the sick one.

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Water is still stable no change in any of the parameters. But the earth leakage tripe the power while I was out after 2pm , only got back at 10pm, no clue how long they where out.

Bad news looks like fungus, please confirm ?


I have changed my approach from running making lots of changes hoping for a fix to try one thing give 24 hours and see to decide next action.

I'm treating the whole tank with Melafix and Pimafix as I don't want the other fish to fall ill.

He is still swimming around when in the mood although not as active as he should be, and still not eating.

Next step if he doesn't improve in 24 to 48 hours is to put him in a 50L bin that I use for tank cleaning etc, and use the 100L filter for him ,and treat with heavy meds , while continuing the Melafix and Pimafix in the main tank as a preventative measure.

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I'm in Hamilton and could help you out with some used filter wool. Can't guarantee that it would be free of sand - my fish are naughty! :roll:

I could give you some media however I have none to replenish my tank.

I would suggest a product called prime. It helped me with my cycling issues before.

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Definitely looks like fungus which is an opportunistic infection that invades the tissues when the slime layer is breached and the skin damaged in a sick fish. It's not contagious if it's SAPROLEGNIA as those spores are everywhere already. The herbal medications you're using might help it developing in the others, but won't really treat this boy. And you want to avoid a secondary bacterial infection.

My suggestion is to divide into 2 what ever filter material you have in your 75L tank filter ( unless Karina is offering live filter wool? ), and put that into your 100L filter. Use that in your spare tank with this sick oscar with water from the original tank. And treat with malachite green or similar, and keep up the daily PWCs in both tanks.

Hopefully others with experience will chime in.

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