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First time to treat white spot. Advice needed thanks!


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So I bought a fish to a pet shop to swap for another one but they noticed it had white spots on it. So they said it was sick and I needed to treat it with methylene blue. :(

So I bought the stuff ad they said to follow the instructions. So I have a 90L tank so I put in 4.5mls of methelyne blue in the tank and my tank turned blue. :o

The guy in the shop said I should put in the recomended dose everyday for 2 weeks and do a 30% water change every 7 days. So, I have a few questions.

1. Was the instructions given to me correct?

2. Will the Methylene Blue leave stains in my tank that will require me cleaning it?

3. Will the Methylene Blue harm my fish that are not sick? ( I have pleco's and angels)

Thanks a bunch guys! :)

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Hi and welcome to the fishroom. Introduce yourself in the welcome section and tell us all about your tanks. We enjoy having new fish keepers join us!

Without a bottle of the methylene blue at hand I can not tell you if the instructions were correct however yes, the blue will stain any silicone or airline hosing you have in the tank. The instructions on the bottle are the ones you need to follow to get maximum gain from using it.

What sort of plecs do you have? Did you tell the fish shop what other fish are in the tank? You need to err on the side of caution with scaleless fish like plecs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

White spot is a protozoa parasite with a complicated life cycle - a cyst stage, free swimming stage and adult stage(on the host). The aim with treating white spot is to kill the parasite at the free swimming stage as that is when it is most susceptible. The entire life cycle of the "ich" however can take up to 4 weeks to complete if at a low temp, or roughly 10 days at a higher temp. Therefore with treatment it can be advised to increase your temp when doing the treatment if your fish can handle being at a higher temp to shorten the life cycle of the parasite and therefore shorten the treatment time also. Salt can also be helpful during treatment but just be aware that cat fish and scaleless fish do not so so well with salt, and it can cause more harm than good with certain fish.

Unfortunately methylene blue is famous for dying silicon blue :facepalm: :roll:

I agree with Adrienne however, if you follow what the bottle says you should be safe with the treatment, and just be a bit careful with the catfish :thup:

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  • 2 months later...
I don't have white spot very often its been years since I have seen it but I have always just added salt even with bristlenoses and clown loaches with no issues..

I have got new fish who have introduced white spot :an!gry

Have tried formalin as advised by shop owner with no luck.

Is it safe to use Blue Circle White Spot Cure with loaches an eel and plants??

Please help.

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