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Homemade marinated mussels


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Does anyone have a good recipe for homemade marinated mussels.

I am looking for the type like the sealord style you buy in pottles at the supermarket.

I have been told to use equal portions of Malt and White vinegar and add a teaspoon of sugar per cup of vinegar.

I am wanting to add chilli to the mix.

Anyone know of any good recipes I can try. I have a bag of fresh mussels collected today.

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They will keep just as well in the fridge with lemon juice as with any type of vinegar--it is the pH that does the trick and the chilli will help as well.

That would be a lot of lemon juice though. Might try it sometime.

I grossed the missus out by eating some raw, and then showing here the mussel crabs found in some shells. :rotf:

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Trick is to put em in a buket of clean sea water overnight, helps get the little bits of grit out.

Those crabs, theyre called pea crabs, they have some sort of symbiotic relationship with the mussel, though biologists have theories, no one can prove how they get in there or the exact symbiosis... They dont harm the mussel in any way, though.

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My fave:

Steam mussels with heavily salted water, grab them as soon as they open.

Chop and then crush up a white onion and a good handfull of super fine chopped parsley and corriander. Fry on a medium heat till you can really smell the flavours, throw in fresh chillies of any variety and crank up the heat. As your eyes start to hurt and the sneezing begins from the cooking chillies throw in about a cup and a half of cider vinegar. When this starts to simmer throw in your mussels. Cook to your preference or remove from the heat straight away and let them soak for a few mins.

For extra indulgence and heat, drain the mussels. A good splash of olive oil and Kaitaia Fire chillie sauce in a bowl and toss the mussels through.

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Get 3 pieces of King kelp and make them into bags by cutting an end off and pushing your fist through the middle. Fill smallest bag with mussels then place in next biggest and then largest. Put on ashes of open fire and remove when first two bags are burned off. Cut last bag open and pig out.

Cooked in own juice.

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