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ID help please


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I noticed at the weekend my Angel fish had what looks like large white spots

One of those spots became elongated and then disappeared

I have dosed with Meth blue (its all i had at the time)

And on Monday dosed the tank with droncit (50mg to 50 liters) to try and stop the spread (if its a fluke/worm)

Yesterday he looked better but today he has 3 more spots on the right side of his head

He is eating well and not acting at all strange

What should i do now? Up the temp? Add salt?

Can some one please confirm my thoughts or put me on the right track


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The new spots this morning are about 2 mm in length

No one else in the tank seems infected as yet

I have just seen my gourami give him a nip on one of the spots and it vanished! the spot not the fish :D

so if not whitespot

Another form of protozoa? or a bad case of acne?

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hex?/ hole in the head? :dunno: Doesn't quite look right to me, though I haven't had (touch wood) a lot of experience with that.

could be a flagellate type parasite? salt will help if it is.

They look raised which may lean toward a flagellate type or skin fluke, they make a sac under the fishes skin where they feed directly from the bloodstream (A lot like white-spot). I can't remember remedy offhand.

Though if it is, you would see them moving (change in shape of a "spot" or length as you previously described, either over time or visibly moving).

Add salt in the mean time, this should at least slow it down till you can get a better idea.

A closer profile photo, and one head-on will help, too.

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Been trying to get a decent pic for a couple of days

the little sod is not being helpful!!!!!





I have included the original at full rez, will have another go tomorrow

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Looks like something fungal. I had a Surinamensis that started getting something that looked similar, spent months trying to treat it. Even pulling him out of the tank and dabbing medication directly onto it. Then one day it started to burst out all over his body in giant sores and puffs so I decided it was time to put him down.

At one point I tugged on one of the lumps of fluff and it came out, so I took a pic.


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Ewww..... I hope its not that,

Did they change size at all, these are quite regularly

Not that I remember, they were all fairly regular up until near the end. The fluff would go away then grow again from the same little pit in the skin. I suspect it was something like hole in the head with a secondary fungal infection. That's what I'd say yours is too.

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Water changes are your best defence,before adding meds to the tank

Generally small stuff like this will clear up with regular water changes and by that I mean daily until gone

If your tank is to big to make that happen I would suggest moving to a smaller tank

Good aquarium husbandry is the key


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