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Xmas Waikato Fish Catching Expedition Anyone? (Photo Update)


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I was planning on taking the kids out over the xmas break to catch some stocks for my new tank. I have Stella's book on the way but am new to all this. I was quite happy just to pick a few streams and head off at night with net and torch in hand but was wondering if there was anyone out there in the (not too) wider Waikato that might be interested in sharing some of their expertise and giving us a hand on our first outing?

It would be great (and probably more successful) if someone was willing to show us a spot or two and show us the ropes. Just a thought if anyone is keen.

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I'd be keen for a gander if I'm around.

Not sure about streams around hamilton, but most should hold bullies, inanga and a few kokopu.

If you wanted to head towards pirongia I can show you some shortjawed kokopu on DOC land (so no taking), and there are smelt/inanga/bullies a plenty.

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I could be keen for a mish, I'll be good for I.D and good guessing at finding a section of stream likely to produce, but no idea where you could go over those ways...

Thanks Cricketman. I'll be in Tauranga from xmas to new years. Any good spots over your way?

Perhaps I could come around for a gander at your setup if you're keen?

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I'd be keen for a gander if I'm around.

Not sure about streams around hamilton, but most should hold bullies, inanga and a few kokopu.

If you wanted to head towards pirongia I can show you some shortjawed kokopu on DOC land (so no taking), and there are smelt/inanga/bullies a plenty.

Sounds good thanks. I'm happy to head over Pirongia way, its not too far away. Do you have any spots other than DOC land so that we don't come back empty handed? I'm keen for a Koura or two as well.

I'm not sure around Hamilton either. There are lots of streams, but mostly stormwater fed and I have no idea what might be in them (until I go look!). There are lots of lakes around the area and many more streams out towards Pirongia and Waingaro. I'm just not sure at this stage what is private or DOC or not?

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I am in the process of going marine, so i dnt have much to show atm. But Living art is well worth visiting. :thup: [/shamelessplug]

I have to admit I have never even heard of it :oops:

Did a quick internet search and although the main website link doesn't appear to work, from what I can tell it would be a great trip with the kids.

Added to the xmas to do list. Check.

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Sounds good thanks. I'm happy to head over Pirongia way, its not too far away. Do you have any spots other than DOC land so that we don't come back empty handed? I'm keen for a Koura or two as well.

I'm not sure around Hamilton either. There are lots of streams, but mostly stormwater fed and I have no idea what might be in them (until I go look!). There are lots of lakes around the area and many more streams out towards Pirongia and Waingaro. I'm just not sure at this stage what is private or DOC or not?

There are some OK places around Pirongia that aren't DOC land, and there are plenty of others to have a poke around in. Any of the streams off the mountain will have bullies/inanga/koura etc in them and some have torrent fish and a few have kokopu.

The site on DOC land is part of the nature walk at Mangakara, and is a nice walk in and of it's own, I think there are even glowworms there.

I believe that the streams out towards Waingaro are better for kokopu and they are supposed to have redfinned bullies as well.

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I have to admit I have never even heard of it :oops:

Did a quick internet search and although the main website link doesn't appear to work, from what I can tell it would be a great trip with the kids.

Added to the xmas to do list. Check.

It's called Nature's Place now - that is why you cannot find it!


And watch the pink bird in the cage, it bites hard... :-?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, so when you're on holiday at the beach and it's raining cats and dogs, what do you do?

Well we took the family to Natures Place this morning. Its a great little place with lots of neat wildlife to look at and at only $2 per head will hardly break the bank. It was great to get to see some natives up close for the first time - some beautiful little banded Kokopu not to mention all the other various critters and some amazing saltwater tanks.

Even Ralph the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo seemed to take a fancy to me and spent much of the time sat on my arm. He was less sure about the kids... smart parrot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well after the weather having rained out any hopes of any fishing expeditions over the Xmas break, things have finally settled enough.

HUGE thanks :thup: to blueether for taking my kids and I out last night and showing us the ropes in Pirongia. A great time was had by all and a hugely successful catch as well.

We saw a number of eels both large and small, lots of small trout, and caught some very nice commons bullies (I'm not sure if we got any Crans yet - I need to look closer), some smelt, a couple of beautiful torrent fish and a Koura.

I'm doing my best to keep the tank cool and so far all are well and looking good.

Unfortunately the expedition photographer (teenage daughter No.1) showed significantly less interest once she got there - something about not wanting to get her feet wet lol - and so I'm afraid we have no photos to show for our efforts.

Thanks again blueether for taking the time to spend with us.

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Yes we had a good night out, apart from all the screams every time an eel was seen.

The Cran's bullies that I have from that stream don't have the boldest markings so can be a little hard to tell apart from common bullies.

The one addition to my tank, another torrent fish, is out and about tonight now that the main lights are off.

(warning: spotlighting can become addictive!)
I hold you responsible for my addiction Stella ;)
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Umm... can't you photograph them now they're in your tank?

lol - of course. I'll let them settle in and then have a go. I haven't been too succussful at getting good photos through the glass. Perhaps I need a better camera - or an under water one!

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Yes we had a good night out, apart from all the screams every time an eel was seen.

For the record, the screams were from the children - not me :slfg:

And yes, I think I'm hooked already. Once the tank is populated it will have to be some catch and release to keep me going.

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lol - of course. I'll let them settle in and then have a go. I haven't been too succussful at getting good photos through the glass. Perhaps I need a better camera - or an under water one!

Do it at night with no lights in the room and with the tank lights on. If you use the flash get the canera as close to the glass as possable.

On the way back home I stoped off at a creek that I have never looked in beforeand found some large eels and saw about 1/2 a dozen smallish (8-10 cm) kokopu :happy2:

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On the way back home I stoped off at a creek that I have never looked in beforeand found some large eels and saw about 1/2 a dozen smallish (8-10 cm) kokopu :happy2:

I love exploring new streams nearby and finding more wild life... always a good feeling :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Giant - that's cool. I wasn't sure.

I think he has had the odd nibble of ox heart but just like the white worms (and pretty much anything else I put in there) here is too slow to compete for food with the voracious smelt and even the bullies and even when I lure them down one end and try and get some to him at the other he doesn't show much interest. He has been eating a wide variety of insects though (when I can find/catch them) and seems happy as he spends much less time hiding these days.

p.s. the DIY chiller is working a treat. I'll try and post some pics over the weekend.

p.p.s the dreaded ich breakout is all but under control. Most everyone is spot free but I'll do at least another week or twos worth of salting.

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