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Kindle problem


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My brother has bought a Kindle but he can't order any books for it as it keeps asking him if he has moved countries. He set it up for NZ and has gone online and put NZ as his country but whenever he tries to do anything it says "Have you moved country?"

Until it is set to NZ, he can't do a thing with it apparently.

Anyone encountered this and know how to set it?

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It does if you carry it with you on a plane.

It is an electronic book. You can download literally (no pun intended) thousands of books onto it to read as you travel. It is lightweight and saves carrying several books on extended journeys. You can make the text as large or small as you like so good for those with vision problems for who book reading has become difficult. The bookmark doesn't fall out of it either!

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every thing i have heard about the "e books" is "they are great but do not buy a kindle if your outside the US".

Yeah pretty much, My mum brought one of the sony B/W touch ones and its very easy to use.

Have you googled how to reset country?

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Sorry for highjacking thread.

Ooh, useful to hear! I am really keen to get that Sony one. Had a play in the shops and looked at endless stuff online and I think it will do what I want.

It is also rather easy to setup and connect to the wireless/ use the internet. The only problem is that it does not tell you when you can unplug it after it has synced with the comp.

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