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My puppy dog Sherlock


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Does the proximity sensor work well?

Well enough though I was away for a few days and someone left it turned on so that the batteries were flattened.

I think good enough for the purpose of tracking a dog left outside the dairy unless someone unclips it and leaves it behind while dog napping Sherlock!

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so what tricks can Sherlock do now?

Just the stuff underneath the post with the pics. Also literally just started him to "point" like a hunting dog this evening. Since we just started, he doesn't get it yet, but he is standing still and letting me arrange his paw and tail into the correct pose (one arm up, tail pointing out), so I think he'll get it pretty quickly if I keep it up. That way I can teach him to point instead of lying down when he gets a scent he wants to go after and he'll be just like a mini doggie detective :D!

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It's pretty depressing feeling like I made a bad choice for him, especially since all I wanted was to do is what's best for him. He's all I really have to hang onto at the moment. I can't imagine how I would've gone through the last few months of loneliness without him, and I don't even feel like I can make it up to him. After getting dumped 10 days ago, I can't even say I've been a good doggie mummy lately. I've been so emo that I don't even make a good playmate for him, and now I feel like I owe him even more.

It's hardly a bad choice. I was worried about getting my dog fixed so I dragged it out for awhile, but believe me, when you come across a dog on heat and your happy little dog turns into a horrible nasty thing, you'd be booking an appointment so fast! Within 24 hours of getting the chop I had my precious little dog back - amazing.

Don't feel bad, dogs are pretty forgiving animals! My poor dog has forgiven me after damaging my foot enough to not be able to walk him for a month, finally went yesterday! Thankfully some smart canine invented fetch! Hope you feel better soon - at least you have a super cute puppy to cuddle. I always find when you're feeling down dogs make far better companions than people - they don't ask questions and they love you regardless! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

People like puppies cause they look cute, but somehow I just like him more as he grow up rather than less. His fur is longer silkier he's a lil bit bigger -more to cuddle - but still has the waddlely puppy-like walk because his long back makes his gait look a bit funny when he walks/runs (dw he doesn't have any back problems). Most of all I notice that he's heaps better at a lot of things that I used to get a little annoyed about. Like toileting when he's let out, walking on a leash, being quiet when told. I also love that he's been so forgiving with all my errors. I mean I had a heck ton of uni projects due lately so many sleepless nights, not that much attention or exercise for him. One day I even came home from uni around 5pm fell straight asleep before doing anything else and didn't wake up till am the next day. I missed my dinner, his dinner, his walk, and he had to hold his pees/poos for 13 hours straight! Not something I intend to do again, and not good owner behavior at all, but I was just so super duper impressed with how well he coped.

I'm curious though, for those of you who have/had dogs, did they change very much as they grew up? I always heard that dogs tend to mellow out around 1.5years+ and gets less hyperactive/over-excitable, but any other differences? I mean did you have puppies that weren't that keen on being petted but grew to love it? Or used to love strangers but now couldn't care less about them now? Just interested in hearing about any kind of big, behavioral changes that you didn't actively train for cause I'm always wondering how much or how little mine will change as he grows up.

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I'm curious though, for those of you who have/had dogs, did they change very much as they grew up?
Mostly just become much better behaved. That's assuming you don't let them get away with misbehaving.

I mean did you have puppies that weren't that keen on being petted but grew to love it?
Puppies that aren't keen on being petted? Those are called faulty.
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Most dogs 'mellow out', settle down into much more placid, easygoing adult dogs. Some stay crazy puppies forever. Some develop more and more troublesome behavioural problems and turn into neurotic bundles of nerves.

Most dogs that don't bother with petting much as pups cause they're too busy enjoy longer cuddle sessions once they're adults. And most become much more relaxed about everything. I find all that basic manners training finally starts to settle in around the 18 month - 2 year mark, for a calm confident adult dog who does things without having to be asked or reminded.

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