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hi from a newbie in chch


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Hi everyone,

I've been using this site as a source of info for a few months at least now but only just signed by this week. I thought it would be rude to not say hello and thanks for all I've learnt so far just by reading other people's questions, so hello and thanks! :)

I've got three tanks at home, one smallish one (about two foot) with some comets that looks like an oriental style bamboo house with large windows. A three foot by two foot tank with three juvenile axolotls in it that is just over a foot deep, it is well planted with a variety of plants with a sand substrate and is the first tank I made myself.

The third is a 1.4 metre long turtle tank that i have just finished making and am waiting patiently for the silicone to cure so I can fill it up. There were no plans to get a turtle but my fiancée and I found an abandoned one and feel in love with him so it all started from there and now we have a third tank in our small lounge! The turtle was in bad shape but is currently in very good hands being cared for by Donna at turtle rescue while we sort his home out (someone should nominate her for New Zealander of the year imo :bow: :thup: ). I'd have more tanks and a large pond too if I could but things like that are a joint decision around here :wink: would love a large tropical tank set up to look as natural as possible.

I've got a pretty strong DIY ethic, hence making the tanks myself and like to learn as much as possible so this site has been great and I can imagine it will be in the future. Being a poor uni student helps motivate the DIY ethic sometimes...

As well as the fish and axolotls we also have 12 chickens, two rabbits (i never have to mow the backyard) and two cats. All in a suburban quarter acre, never feels lonely haha.

Thanks again,


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Hi Stephen! Welcome to FNZAS... :wave: I'm glad you finally joined! You will meet some of the Totally Tanked people when you come and help transport the pond etc for the Pet Expo. Gordon is pretty much ready to come and live with you when-ever suits! Hes made a remarkable recovery :happy2:

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well what a friendly bunch!

Hi Donna, it's been so good hearing Gordon has been improving. His tank is finished and all good to get filled up for the first time on sunday so fingers crossed it all goes well. Assuming it does it shouldn't be too long after that we can get him, I've got everything sorted that we need. Thanks again for everything!

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