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What Tropheus/Africans do you want? And would you pay?


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Have had a friend ask me to put this thread up just for curiosities sake..

We can pretty much get any tropheus species legally imported into NZ BUT they will cost big bickies.. Tropheus Moorii is allowed and that covers most of the nice tropheus - Illangi, Mpulungu, Kasanga etc..

What would you like to see? Is that a dream or would you shell out reasonable money for good quality fish?

Same goes for malawis, I have a big wish list of fish that are on the allowed list but we don't see here :( Just wondering if anyone else has the same?

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T moorii ilangi all the way!! 80ish

the current retail for trophs other than duboisi is more than that isn't it?

i would like to see kasanga & would like pay $120ish each i guess but dreams are free.

What i would also like to see here are the Tang gobies Eretmodus and Xenotilapia species. they would make a nice mix for a troph tank.

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All tangs

Cyprichromis sp.

Xenotilapia sp.

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis

neolamprologus cylindricus 'Mamalesa'

Enantiopus sp.

Cyathopharynx sp.

plus the gobies

and this eel :D

Aethiomastacembelus elipsifer

God knows on price, what ever it would be it probably not cheap. First my eyes would be like this :o then this :facepalm: and finally this :tears: And probably cause by my partner going like this :an!gry

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I think most people have favourites. Yours is obviously Africans but lots of people have different favourites and therefore I would be surprised if their was much support.

Title to thread. What Tropheus/Africans do you want? And would you pay?

Ryan is asking for our favourites, everybody who keeps Africans will have their our favs. :D

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I think most people have favourites. Yours is obviously Africans but lots of people have different favourites and therefore I would be surprised if their was much support.

For sure :) Africans are my favourite and you have yours, my mate is also a fan of the fish from the right lakes and also has a few wholesale/import contacts so was just asking around to see what interest there was in these fish. He is not a member here so asked me to chuck up a thread and see if there was any interest in species, obviously this is just a look around and nothing to base anything commercial on, it is interested googling other fish and dreaming lol.

lol Ymir that is an awesome list but unfortunately (without checking too much) I don't think any of them are allowed :(

I believe all the allowed Africans on the list are below.. Bearing in mine that things like Tropheus Moorii cover a large range of fish so would the Al. stuartgranti.

For example my list of allowed fish I would like to see some quality examples of in the country is:

Tropheus Moorii iialngi/Kasanga.

Descent Altolamprologus compressiceps - firefin

Astatotilapia burtoni

Cynotilapia afra (cobue)

Neolamprologus kungweensis

Neolamprologus brevis

Pseudotropheus flavus

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi eureka http://www.bigskycichlids.com/images/Ajacobfreibergi_eureka.jpg or eureka albino http://www.bigskycichlids.com/images/ACA%2006/A_jacobfreibergi_eureka_alb.jpg

And maybe even some descent Melanochromis johannii I can't seen to find any quality ones I like around..

And sure I would pay for quality fish, lol but noway I could afford or house colonies of all of the above :(

Aulonocara baenschi Nkhomo-benga peacock

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Fairy cichlid

Aulonocara maylandi kandeensis Blue orchid aulonocara

Aulonocara maylandi maylandi Blue orchid peacock

Aulonocara nyassae Peacock cichlid

Aulonocara stuartgranti Flavescent peacock

Altolamprologus compressiceps Compressiceps cichlid

Copadichromis azureus

Copadichromis borleyi Red catango

Copadichromis chrysonotus

Cynotilapia afra

Cyphotilapia frontosa Humphead cichlid

Cyrtocara moorii Hump-head

Haplochromis brownae

Haplochromis burtoni Burton's hap

Julidochromis dickfeldi Marliers julie

Julidochromis ornatus Golden julie

Julidochromis regani Convict julie

Julidochromis transcriptus Masked Julie

Labeotropheus fuelleborni Blue mbuna

Labeotropheus trewavasae Redtopped trewavasae

Labidochromis caeruleus Electric Yellow

Lamprologus kungweensis

Neolamprologus kungweensis

Lamprologus ocellatus

Maravichromis ericotaenia (Haplochromis ericotaenia to Mylochromis ericotaenia http://www.fishbase.gr/summary/speciessummary.php?id=2222/b)

Maylandia callainos Cobalt blue cichlid

Maylandia zebra Zebra mbuna

Melanochromis auratus Goldstripe cichlid

Melanochromis joanjohnsonae Rainbow melanochromis

Melanochromis johannii Blue melanochromis

Melanochromis vermivorus

Neolamprologus brevis

Neolamprologus brichardi Lyretail lamprologus

Neolamprologus leleupi Lemon cichlid

Neolamprologus sexfasciatus Six-bar lamprologus

Neolamprologus tretocephalus Five-Bar lamprologus

Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Fuscotaeniatus

Nimbochromis livingstonii Livingstonii

Nimbochromis polystigma Polystigma

Nimbochromis venustus

Nimbochromis venustus - Giraffe Haplochromis

Pelvicachromis pulcher Rainbow kribensis

Pelvicachromis taeniatus Kribensis

Protomelas fenestratus Fenestratus

Pseudotropheus aurora Aurora cichlid

Pseudotropheus barlowi

Pseudotropheus crabro Bumble bee cichlid

Pseudotropheus elongatus

Pseudotropheus estherae Red zebra

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus lombardoi

Pseudotropheus socolofi Pindani

Pseudotropheus tropheops

Sciaenochromis ahli

Sciaenochromis fryeri

Steatocranus casuarius Lionhead cichlid

Tropheus duboisi Tropheus duboisi

Tropheus kasabe

Tropheus moorii Tropheus moorii

Variabilichromis moorii

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you have my list

ink fins



as for $$4 how long is a piece of string

look at what I paid for those kribs...was worth it just to get them here

and the same with the D filamentosa...ohhh you could add them to list Ryan

along with cyps and paracyps

Not sure different strains of Fronts are worth it but certainly any comp/calvus astis and haps and aulos

neo and alto and lampro...lines all good

just put my name slightly above where you sign the cheque...lamo

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No new tangs will come until the list is amended with the wanted species.

What happened to the list the FNZAS are/was compiling? News?......

Without new species to collect/keep the hobby is destined to end, given there are still allot on the list yet to come in it IS simply a matter of time. Given a handful of highly adaptive fish i cant see why all Tanganyikans aren't importable.

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No new tangs will come until the list is amended with the wanted species.

What happened to the list the FNZAS are/was compiling? News?......

Without new species to collect/keep the hobby is destined to end, given there are still allot on the list yet to come in it IS simply a matter of time. Given a handful of highly adaptive fish i cant see why all Tanganyikans aren't importable.

You are 100% correct about needing new species to keep things rolling, I believe for a short time we can get new species into the country just by importing the things that are allowed and getting them bred/distributed so that others can enjoy them.

The FNZAS is working on some fish list stuff, however as I am sure you are well aware it is a massive job and nothing happens overnight especially projects of this size with a team of volunteers who have jobs/families/lives and no commercial interest in it.

I think the best thing to do is to work on the things that are allowed, get them into the country and make sure they stay here.. Also trying to track down all the rare and wonderful things that were imported legally many years ago (before import laws changed) and are no longer allowed. No doubt there are still people out there with all sorts (tang featherfins is one that pops to the front of my mind) and various other things who have no idea or interest in breeding them and none of us know them because they aren't active on here or in the community/clubs. We need to try and track these people down and either help them breed their fish or encourage them to part with them so that others can try and get them out..

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The FNZAS is working on some fish list stuff, however as I am sure you are well aware it is a massive job and nothing happens overnight especially projects of this size with a team of volunteers who have jobs/families/lives and no commercial interest in it.

We certainly are and this fact is documented in the FNZAS members only of the forum within the minutes. To make this process faster we could certainly do with more volunteers as it is a massive job and most of us hold multiple positions within the Federation.

But the question posed in this thread heading of would you pay is a very good one. In the last year -18 months rarely seen species of fish on the allowed list have come in to the country but people have not been prepared to pay the price asked. Stock left sitting in the shops and on the importers books is not encouraging anyone to bring in anything new and exciting.

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I can understand this line of thinking but about six months ago HFF asked members what they would like to see come in and the shellies finally made it here! Why don't they or someone else try this again?

If big ticket fish are possible to be brought in, ask for a deposit! No cash, no fish. This seems fair and relatively simple to sort out the people with real intent from the pack.

Some people here know I am happy to buy 1 or 2 exspensive fish and join my fish with a colony to be a decent sized breeding group up and then take some of the fry in exchange for them keeping the orginal fish. :D

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I really would like to see some good eureka reds or ruby reds.

Yeah I agree :) There have been some nice ones here though.. Not sure where they went?

I have been looking art my tang books and want to list more LOL.

lol I bet you could mate, it is a shame that with our import list we have little or no chance of ever seeing half of those fish in the country :(

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Little birdie told me there might be some tangs coming up soon

Where's the damn "whistling" icon when you need it...

Without trying to sound too cynical, are these completely new tangs that are on the list (something to get excited about) or repeats from previous shipments (IE. already in the country).

It would be nice to know as well if new to country. As nav says:

then put me on teh list now then please HFF sick of missing out becuase I am so far away

and in my case as well I would need to save some monies.

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As I have said to HFF in past contact

happy to pre order and pre pay

but never seem to get anywhere

have more than spent my monies with them thru pick ups and on line deliveries etc so would wait and see

even orgainised a flying visit when I was up once and HFF bent over backwards to make sure fish I wanted were available

Cant see why it wouldnt hurt to let some of us die hards know what is where ...why tank it when you can bank it...lol

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