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crypt i/d


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The problem with identifying crypts is that the leaves can vary so much depending on growing conditions.

Agreed, I was showing someone wendtii green today in 3 different tanks with 3 different lighting systems and 3 different fertiliser regimes and they all look totally different.

But if I had to guess I would probably go with wendtii green

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Thanks for all the replies - I checked what I originally bought (I was nerdy enuff to write them down at the start - not quite nerdy enuff to record where I planted them)

I planted crytp - undulatus, walkeri, petchii, wendtii, & balansae.

Now it is all growing fantastically & I am enjoying it way more than pruning stem plants all the time - I now intend to plant the rest of my tanks with crypts and the odd sword - just might have to pot luck it all.

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