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Howdy all. I am about to get a load of Water Dragonz for fee and just wandered if they will be safe to have around my Pit Bulls. Will I need to muzzle these water Dragonz ?

Dose any one have designs for studded Leather Muzzle collar harnesses for these creatures. Already got the Leather & Studs etc.

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To be honest, it doesn't seem right. Why take the dragon if it's a threat to the pit bull or vise versa the pit bull being a threat to the dragon. I'd be more worried about the dragon being harmed. What kind of set up do you have? I wouldn't be putting studs and stuff on a collar either, it could possibly injure itself. Just my opinion.

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Water dragons don't like to be handled much anyway so putting a harness and muzzle on them is not going to impress them.

lizards are not really the "take for walks kind of pet" better leave that to the dogs.

But i have seen lizards and dogs get along. the dragons will spend most of there time in there enclosure anyway. and are not going to cause any harm to a adult dog.

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Very friendly Pit Bulls with all little creatures etc. But if these Dragonz bit will they cause Disease. Do they carry any nasty over seas bugs etc. Leather & studded collars all the reptiles in the movies and comics are wearing them these days.Its Fashion.

My back yard is a swamp most year round so plenty of room to run around in.

Will they inter breed with a Tuatara.

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Most likely. I know turtles carry salmonella. If you're getting them they are most likely bred in nz? I believe that is in comics and movies, not permanently. If you do end up muzzling them you're going to have to unmuzzle them each time you feed them, let them drink ect. And what lives in the swamp? Is it fenced so they don't run away and die if they have a muzzle on? I believe they are good climbers as well.

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Knowledge and learning is something that should be done on a daily basses.

Yes, but if you apply common sense and knowledge you would know the answers to some of these qs. Seems like common sense not to tattoo an animal that is fragile and could be harmed seriously in the process, even to a teenager...

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personally i wouldnt want to xbreed them and create mutts. like crossing diffrent fish species. especially if theyre rear

WRT tattooing whats wrong with microchipping? or have you got a tattoo gun and do it yourself?

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Yes I have many tattoo guns and can do myself. I used to import them.

X breeding with a tuatara Wow. Will make a much faster moving and very freaky looking creature I recon.

Can these creatures be A/I and is it done at all. With reptiles if the boy is to old for natural breeding etc but the only one left of his breed in a country etc.

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