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Thinking of doing a 1400L tank


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ok well ive been think (dreaming :lol: ) for a while about doing a 2.4x 1 x .6m tank, i like my breeding but as im in my last years of school im getting quite busy with school and haveing trouble managing my 17 tanks , so i was thinking of cutting back to just 3, my two in my room, and a 1400L in my fish shed, of course i would need to sell all the tanks ,stands ,fish, equitment before i started but, i have a few questions about this new tank setup as im a complete noob with sumps and tanks large than 400L , so heres a few questions

1. anyone got a design of a sump i can see, and explain it?

2.my fish will be oscars, serverums, and a aro, what else could i have?

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1. Yep, I've posted it many times, or check one of the build threads I made on MFK for pictures of it. Or come around and see it for yourself.

2. Depends on the number of each you're having.

And for the :sage: part...

You said you're 17 and in your last year of school. What are you doing next year? How much longer are you planning on living at home for? A tank of that size isn't an easy thing to move, especially with all the fish in it. Finding a house somewhere to put it is also difficult. I had a 5x2x2' in my bedroom while I lived at home, but sold it (and all the big fish) and downgraded to a single three foot tank for several years while I went flatting.

If you do decide to go for it I have two pieces of advice; read lots, and plan lots....

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i thought you said you were going to get a 1600 L + tank ?? :roey:

it was going to be 1680l but i reduced the depth, as its just to deep to mantain

1. Yep, I've posted it many times, or check one of the build threads I made on MFK for pictures of it. Or come around and see it for yourself.

2. Depends on the number of each you're having.

And for the :sage: part...

You said you're 17 and in your last year of school. What are you doing next year? How much longer are you planning on living at home for? A tank of that size isn't an easy thing to move, especially with all the fish in it. Finding a house somewhere to put it is also difficult. I had a 5x2x2' in my bedroom while I lived at home, but sold it (and all the big fish) and downgraded to a single three foot tank for several years while I went flatting.

If you do decide to go for it I have two pieces of advice; read lots, and plan lots....

im nearly 17 and i have 1 year left after this one, so yeah, and i am planning on doing a marine bio degree after i leave school. so i have a couple of years left , and besides when i do leave home i will be leaving the tank in the shed at home until i get my own place, as my mum and grandad are into fish aswell, ( grandad has 30 tanks) and mum just like to watch mine, but i will have a look at your mosterfish build thread

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:sage: Nearly 17 year olds shouldn't be allowed a 1400L tank!!!

No of course I don't mean that, I'm just jealous I don't have the space.

But good to hear that you seem to have a long term plan for the tank

me and mum have an argreement, i have only 2 nice ( have to be kept clean and healthy) display tanks inside, and i have what ever else in the fish shed, she doesnt care whats in my shed as its my space :thup: , but she LOVES :love: oscars and tryed to get me to have some oscars , so i said ill get 2 nice tiger oscars for the tank hence the oscars on the list of fish :roll: that way i have no problem with her :lol: 8)

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i have them in my big tank..with plecs ....redtail gourami.....featherbacks royol ..bgk..

bala shark...flag tail....redhead...catfish..parrort faces....

1. anyone got a design of a sump i can see, and explain it?

looks at davids setup &mfk to get idears..

2.my fish will be oscars, serverums, and a aro, what else could i have?

i have them in my big tank..with plecs ....redtail gourami.....featherbacks royol ..bgk..

bala shark...flag tail....redhead...catfish..parrort faces....

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Would be a great tank for a comm of L114s!!

As I said, do plenty of research and planning, if you're just going to have a sump for filtration its going to have to handle a fair bit of turn over. My two drains are only just keeping up with the flow from the Laguna 7500 pump, but there isn't much of a vertical drop because of the height of the tank either. Seriously consider an automatic water change system, in fact its a must-have with a tank this size. I still haven't got mine sorted, I think about it every week when I'm doing a 450L water change, there's plenty of time to think when you have to drain that much water! If I were doing it again I would also include several stages of mechanical filtration, first a settling chamber, followed by something with a couple of layers of filter wool that can easily be changed and thrown away, then the filter socks to polish the water. As it is now I have to change the socks every 3-4 days, even with the FX5 running on the tank.

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Would be a great tank for a comm of L114s!!

As I said, do plenty of research and planning, if you're just going to have a sump for filtration its going to have to handle a fair bit of turn over. My two drains are only just keeping up with the flow from the Laguna 7500 pump, but there isn't much of a vertical drop because of the height of the tank either. Seriously consider an automatic water change system, in fact its a must-have with a tank this size. I still haven't got mine sorted, I think about it every week when I'm doing a 450L water change, there's plenty of time to think when you have to drain that much water! If I were doing it again I would also include several stages of mechanical filtration, first a settling chamber, followed by something with a couple of layers of filter wool that can easily be changed and thrown away, then the filter socks to polish the water. As it is now I have to change the socks every 3-4 days, even with the FX5 running on the tank.

Ok this is just a hair brain idea... has anyone tried coffee filters instead of filter socks? David I know you mentioned that they clog up fast and you have to wash them all the time.. A coffee filter you could just throw out every day and put a new in with very little cost.. Maybe too small?

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Would be a great tank for a comm of L114s!!

As I said, do plenty of research and planning, if you're just going to have a sump for filtration its going to have to handle a fair bit of turn over. My two drains are only just keeping up with the flow from the Laguna 7500 pump, but there isn't much of a vertical drop because of the height of the tank either. Seriously consider an automatic water change system, in fact its a must-have with a tank this size. I still haven't got mine sorted, I think about it every week when I'm doing a 450L water change, there's plenty of time to think when you have to drain that much water! If I were doing it again I would also include several stages of mechanical filtration, first a settling chamber, followed by something with a couple of layers of filter wool that can easily be changed and thrown away, then the filter socks to polish the water. As it is now I have to change the socks every 3-4 days, even with the FX5 running on the tank.

think about it now, and i just ready you post on mosterfish keepers i might have to see if the floor would support the tank, so will think about the sump when i know its safe to have that tank in the shed, also i would be probaly using 2 x aquaone 2700 , so i think just a little change to you design and i will be good :thup: fingers crossed :o

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Ok this is just a hair brain idea... has anyone tried coffee filters instead of filter socks? David I know you mentioned that they clog up fast and you have to wash them all the time.. A coffee filter you could just throw out every day and put a new in with very little cost.. Maybe too small?

Yeah I think they will be too small. This weekend I tried washing my filter socks in the washing machine as suggested by the guy from Napier Aquarium (no powder obviously, and gave them a rinse outside first) and they seem to have come out much cleaner. Maybe doing this will increase the frequency between changes? I think the coffee filters would be too restrictive for anything but a tiny tank, although they would be good to collect the very fine particles. I'm currently running 100 micron socks, if I had a better pre-filter I would consider running 50 micron or even 25.

But back on topic, Yes your timber floor will require some serious reinforcing for a tank of that size, even the tank itself will weigh 200kg+. Concrete slab would be the best option by far, but certainly not impossible to do with a timber floor. I'd seriously consider lifting the ply flooring (if possible) to make it easier to beef up the bearers and add more piles if necessary.

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even with an acrylic tank your looking at the weight of a car. should be able to get the ply up without too much trouble. joists at 300 centres is a good start but you will almost certainly have to add piles and bearers (unless this sort of weight was designed for when the shed was built).

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1400L of water = 1400kg

Plus the weight of the glass and the stand and the sump. My tank capacity is about 750L and I estimate the total weight on the floor to be about a ton. (No exaggeration when I say my tank weighs a ton! :thup:) But it's on concrete flooring so I sleep well at night.. :yaw2:

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yeah, i was just pointing out that an acrylic tank doesn't get round the problem. while a concrete floor is certainly better, it is definitely doable with timber framing. many houses have multicar garages with timber subfloors.

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