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one day i hope to get that feel, for now i do and observe and redo. yes have checked out EI but wanted to try pmdd, one day ill start to get a feel for scapes but for now just happy that the fish are all good and plants are growing.

yes used to frequent kb and know of morcs, prolly been for a group ride at some point. maybe we could organise a tank crawl, superbike style :thup:

zev, thanks mate, did read that but doesnt seem to help me. no fault of author, its all me, honestly...

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P44 yep ran without purigen for a while but started again like the clear water junkie i am. figured that adding ferts would suffice over and above nitrogen cycle so remove the crap at source ie if i want nitrates then i add them. i heard purigen doesnt remove our salts to any great extent but will smoooth water perams no end. seems to be the case. whats your take on the whole purigen deal?

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Add more filtration with filter wool if you want clearer water. I run 2 x fluval 405s and 1 x Eheim pro II 2028 on my 4ft tank. Purigen is fantastic, but in a planted tank I don't think it's needed. African and marine tanks do well with it though. When was the last you recharged it, and how old is it if you haven't bought it brand new?

I like the way your crypts have matured.

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mmmm more flow bro...this has certainly helped me for algae and critters, your filtration sounds awesome. i run wool, sponges and purigen in the bioflow and water is spotless except poos time in the morning for about 30 mins if you know what i mean......

i recharge it every 6 weeks or so and have it sitting below 3 wool pads and i have a spare. does that make me an addict?

Thanks mate, yeah crypts are cool. no melting and great growth. shame my photo skills suck.

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Thankyou Mr Hovmoller!!

as far as i know the angels are p scalare and agree they are sweet. i feed them NLS regular plus bloodworms. they also love to browse on my plants. i got them from hff after researching altums and wild type seem similar in appearance tho undoubtedly altums will get bigger. it would seem that i have 3 males and 1 female. 1 unsucessful batch of eggs so far. got eaten.

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Quite a few bikers here. Morcs is on here too and if you're on KB then you'll prob know him. My brother is a biker too, but he's not on here. :slfg:

I'm on kiwibiker also as is my husband, my son and his partner.


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hi Adrienne,

great to see a few more bikers around :hail:

i broke my ribs about 8 weeks ago and my warrant rego etc expired, need a new front tyre as well so havent been for a ride in what seems like ages. I normally commute into the city on the basis that i dislike traffic slightly more than i dislike rain, always have. i notice you a not too far away from where i live, keep an eye out for a charcoal and silver bmw k1200r. odds on thats me!!

i dont post on kb any more mainly because of my work seems to interupt my social activities but i still get around with Blackbird and others. Check out his blog confessions of an aging motorcyclist. we did the RNGC and Geoff did a good write up with pics etc.


cheers andy

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Your bike's nearly 10x larger than my current little scooter. I prefer the old reliable CX500 to go around on, when it is on the road. Hubby is looking at picking up the BMW800 sports (I think) bike while we are in Europe next year, touring with it and then bringing it back to NZ when we return. He currently has a red Cagiver. You may know my son, Squiggles, who has been fairly active on KB - took part in the ride to Wellington and was part of the group that went in to the office of the MP about ACC levies. He also is a BRONZE member.

Whetu who has not postedon here for a year at least, is KB 'Klingon'. She's part of the Scarey Bikers Sewing Circle.

Anyway welcome, once again, to the world of fish keeping.

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Small world...I used to ride with Macstar a lot and have met your son at Macstars one weekend in coro. I was riding an X11 at that time, he may remember. good rider.

HP2 sport? Wicked.

I must remember this is a fish site, i posted about apistos...any words of wisdom appreciated.



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