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Apisto Male - not so happy...


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I came home and found my apisto agassizi male stuck in a sword plant breathing hard and not doing much else. I moved him to a hospital tank on his own with a fresh water change and some melafix just in case. He seems to be happier in some fresh water but not much.

He's currently sitting on his forehead on the bottom with his tail in the air (so to speak). Every time his tail falls down and he levels out slightly he gives a kick and tries to get upright but can't keep it up for more than a few thrusts and goes back to resting on his forehead and breathing hard. There are no obvious signs what is wrong but I suspect it's a reaction to the ferts I've been adding to the tank (lost a male the same way a few months ago).

Temp is 26.0, pH 6.2 (with co2 reactor on), amonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate is barely reading but there is some there due to ferts (under 10ppm).

Worst part is I've been holding onto him for 3 weeks for Nymox to pick up. He's coming tomorrow. Just my luck.

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buggar buggar buggar

This is the way my agassizi female and my cockatoo female went out. Tried salt bath with the cockatoo and melafix with the second, not sure if it did anything except send them on their way quicker :(

Apisto curse strikes again :tears:

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yesterday my male agassizi was acting as you described, i noticed him acting funny and losing his brilliant colour about 3 days ago, so yesterday i did a 33% water change and tested all levels, all ok. but sadly this morning he was dead, sunken to the bottom, standing upright on his nose. that was the first flush funeral i've had to perform in almost a year. sad. i guess the fact i hadn't named him yet, made it a little bit less devastating...

for the record, i had begun using fertilizers for my plants around two weeks ago, with flourish. i use half recommended dose with each water change including the change for the sick agassizi, because i am under the impression it is completely harmless to fish.

there are 30 or so other fish in the tank, including kribensis and my female agassizi (who is now for sale) and all are doing fine, so for now i will continue to use the fertilizer and blame the untimely demise of my unnamed yet treasured male agassizi on spontaneous apisto quietus.

still, i do i really hope it had nothing to do with the fertilizers......


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Yep, sounds exactly like what's happening today.

Re: Ferts - I've never had any problem with overdosing comprehensive but I have had issues with adding too much magnesium and NPK at the same time. I suspect the males doing the current rounds in the stores are just really really fragile and any change in water parameters seems to push them over the edge.

I just feel bad for Nymox that I can't give him the group I offered. Still, there are more males available in the stores at the moment so it's not a huge problem. Unlike the lack of female cockatoos but that's another story...

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The female pygmy cory that I put to sleep did something similar, she swam along with her bottom end floating up in the air like a balloon attached. Sometimes would hide under a leaf to rest her floating bottom up against. In the end she got a fungus and started acting sick but I think it all started with an infection of a fin. I was taking some advice and reading around, and read that some swim bladder issues can start with a gut infection or worm etc so I think if it's not immediately detectable you might never know what it was. I don't think it's fertilisers unless they have started off a reaction in the fish, but I still think doubtful for most fish.

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Yeah, I wondered about a swim bladder issue. It certainly looked like it was gut related.

It's a strange phenomenon that the females don't get the same sickness. I'm wondering if there's something dormant in the tank stock at the moment. I got both my recent males from the same local store and they may have been the same import / batch as there were a lot when I bought the first one and only one male left when I got the second. Fingers crossed Nymox has better luck with them.

Oh, he was very dead this morning when I checked the hospital tank. I left a little led light on for him to be able to see and he died right up against it. "Swim into the light"

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Sounds like he apisto'd on you. :cry:

They can be quite terrible that way. I think it may have been the females. I had a few that went through no less than half a dozen males.

Yep I agree, he apisto'd it just happens, no real explanation or cure that I have found..

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Sucks to hear about it!

My cockatoo is fine after his little swim on the floor though. A female has taken home in the cave you made me and he's chilling around outside it

Wow, really? It'll be a huge spawn if she makes the most of that cave. Sweet! Put me down for a couple of pairs when they do spawn.

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