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Earthquake damaged fish


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I've ended up with my nieces surviving fish being put in my guppy tank. This one was jammed between some rocks and shingle on the floor and all the fins are shredded. He's already been eating one of my dead guppies in the tank and swims OK...as far as I can tell, but is there anything I can do about his shredded fins? Will they repair?




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That's a siamese fighter aka betta. I had one with a big rip heal fine. Like Adrienne said, look out for rot. Don't ask me how to treat it though!

Maybe he'd be better off in a tank alone cos the guppies etc may attack his tail. I used to sometimes keep mine in a plastic colander so he'd be safe from the other fish.

Or cut a coke bottle in half, make holes all through it and hang that in the tank?

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definately a veiltail :)

You can get fancies that droop into VT :wink:

But like others say. Watch out for finrot. I do tend to agree with keeping it separate though. The coke bottle method works well. Guppies and fighters can have issues and if the fighter is already weak the guppies may just make it worse

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Well he may just have to wait until Sat and the TT mtg so I can figure out how to seperate him. Every time I check he appears fine and never seen any other fish having a go at him, but will keep an eye out. Do I put some stress coat in the water or anything? Sorry, but I dont know much about fish! :oops:

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You can do quite a few things to keep him seperate in the mean time if you want - he could go into a 2litre ice cream container floating on the top of the tank or into a large coke bottle that has the next cut off and a few holes punched into it. The bottle could clip to the side of the tank with a peg if the tank does not have a lip on it or I sometimes use a suction cup with the sucker side on the side of the tank and the other part pushed into the bottle to hold it in place.

Stress coat is up to you.

I myself would leave him free swimming in the tank unless the guppies take exception to the ripped tail and start nibbling it as imo and ime it is less stressful and the improved filtration in the tank compared to a container will reduce the chances of rot.

If you are willing to 'salt' the tank that would help but that depends on what else is in it.

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Thanks Adrienne, thats really helpful :D I will leave him free swimming for now. There is a huge amount of java moss in there and hes happily tucked away in the moss with no-one around him alot of the time, so I'll keep an eye on the situation.

Good to know that the fins may heal. Thank-you people :D ....fish are stressful! Give me turtles anyday :sml2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excuse poor photo :facepalm: but heres the progress on the fish! I left him in the tank with the others and the tail has healed really well. I just added a bit of stress coat to the area he was resting in for the first two days he was here... no scientific basis or accurate dosage...just random squirt! The dorsal fin has chunks missing from it and although its not as shredded, I'm not sure if those big gaps will regrow :dunno: But he's not bothered so all good! Not bad for having spent 45 min on a wet carpet jammed in rocks, stones and glass! Now if I can just convince my niece to get another tank and not give up on fish keeping altogether so she can take her fish back :(


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