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Mudskipper help


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I recently purchased two mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus) , unfortunately 1 has died yesterday as a result of not eating :(

I have spoken to the guys at shop, very helpful and much appreciated :thup:

reason i am posting is if i have missed something or doing something completely wrong, i also understand these mudskippers are wild caught so not sure if this is contributing factor into why they aren't eating anything.

Live foods:

i have tried are waxmoth worms which shop said the mudskippers they had ate them instantly.

mealworms, whiteworms as well. i even went to beach and caught tiny small crabs to put in and bugs as well.

I also have on order live crickets coming in

Dryfoods and other:





had also purchased long tongs that are used to feed lizards incase the human hand was scarring them, but alas still not wanting to eat.

Temp in tank is sitting 25c

Brackish water gravity is 1.10

Is there anything i have missed?

Also if anyone has purchased recently the mudskippers and wants a friend, let me know i feel bad that i can't get him to eat and don't want him to die :(

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How long ago did you get them? They must have been in terrible shape if they died from starvation unless you had them for weeks or even months.. Maybe something else killed the one that died?

But the live foods you have tried should have stimulated them to eat? I am not familar with the mud skippers but most fish will go for live foods if they are settled, especially if you are feeding them what the shop was. I would ask the shop if they knew what the wholesalers were feeding them?

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Got them only last week, so had thought it was just due to stress, but over time they just wouldn't eat at all :(

@ mcculloch - yeah shop advised i turn lights off and leave live food in the tank, so done that. so fingers cross it works.

@ ryan - yeah not sure really what else could have killed him other than starvation since nothing was being eaten when left in the tank and me leaving them to hoping find it.

i tested the water for ammonia/nitrate/nitrite and all came back fine nothing there could have contributed to it.

just hoping this poor guy just starts eating, been waiting years to get my hand on mudskippers and done all the reading i thought i needed to keep them.

just sucks, i was busy planning on setting up a nice 5 foot tank for the two , now seems silly to do it just for one guy. =/

live and learn i guess.

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My advice is to turn the lights of get food that's going to move around place said food in tank and get your hands out. Messing with the tank waving food in front of them with tongs etc, probably isn't going to help.

That is a very good point, these fish have probably already been through enough.. I would set them up in a bare bottom tank (with bottom of the glass painted black to give the fish some security) tons of cover no lighting and chuck some food in. Hopefully they will eat something even if you don't see them doing it..

I still struggle to believe a fish could starve to death in a week or so unless it was in terrible shape to begin with so think something else may have contributed to it, why not keep the surviving one and see if you can get it eating and then buy a couple more to keep it company?

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@ ryan - yeah i fully agree with the eating thing but then it seems the only explanation at this point cause pretty sure i've done it all right.

But also that's why i thought id ask on here since very knowledgable people on here may explain what i did wrong or could be wrong, i will see how it goes over the next week, the problem though with getting more mudskippers is they are pretty much impossible to get, why these lil guys aren't more available not sure.

Unless someone knows a place that is selling, more than willing to get this right.

Also the other thing is a heat lamp be required?

as my room gets very warm, and tight lid. I was told they don't need it but just curious.

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I'm sorry I can't give further advise to whats been given other than GOOD LUCK!! I hope you work it out a your flappy friends start eating. I dream of a mudskipper tank but they are so uncommon in NZ...one day maybe...

a vid for inspiration :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for not replying sooner, but busy as of late. but good news Spartacus is doing well, eating waxmoths, earth worm, mealworms. Hopefully one day ween him onto dead food, he hasn't bothered with the blood worms. but just happy hes doing well now :thup:

thanks for the suggestions :)

now the waiting game till i can get some more.

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