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Thoughts on routine medication?


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Just wondering what others' thoughts are on routinely medicating fish/pets. :sage:

The closest I have come to doing it is having tonic salt at a low dose in the killie tank but since they have gone I haven't done it again. With the white poop or worm situation in my previous thread I wonder is it a good practise to give new fish a worming after they have settled? I know some will say to quarantine all new fish but it's too late for that in this case and since they are in their own tank that isn't getting any new fish it's a quarantined facility anyway.

Should fish that are wild caught be given some kind of tonic or treatment when brought home to acknowledge the fact that they have endured a stressful time that could have impacted their health? Is regular live food and good tank maintenance enough?

Personally I am undecided. While I visit the chiropractor once a month for 'maintenance' , I rarely take routine or preventative medication and prefer to seek medical or chemical assistance only when there are symptoms. That I believe is a Western way of thinking, others may believe prevention is better than cure.


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I deworm all new fish. I have only done that since I had the bad experience of fish with worms nearly ruining my whole tank by killing nearly 50% of my fish. I quarantined for two weeks and still they only started losing weight at about week three and then my whole tank was infected. So now all new fish are dewormed and quarantined, I bought some today that is in quarantine deworming water and they will stay there for about a week or two before I move them over to my main tank. :wink:

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I deworm all new fish. I have only done that since I had the bad experience of fish with worms nearly ruining my whole tank by killing nearly 50% of my fish. I quarantined for two weeks and still they only started losing weight at about week three and then my whole tank was infected. So now all new fish are dewormed and quarantined, I bought some today that is in quarantine deworming water and they will stay there for about a week or two before I move them over to my main tank. :wink:

What worming meds do you use?

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Last wormer I used was the cheap drontel with the most percentage of prosi. This can be brought from most pet shop[s aprox $ 18 for 2 tablets. Best results ever.

WOW!!! i got 2 tablets of Droncit (50mg praziquantel) for like $5

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I use the one Hollywoods mixed up, but its no longer available there anymore, so no idea what to use once that runs out :o

Hey so do you have an empty tank sitting there all the time ready for new fish or you just have a bucket with spare filter and heater or something like that?

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I have a tiny little 30 litre glass tank, with a small little filter and heater and airstone, that has gravel in and is on standby. When I need it, I take a bit of my main tank's filtermedia and water and quickly set it up. I will need to buy a new heater though, this one is busy giving in now, its battling to keep temp up.

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I treat new livebearers with aviverm wormer. (levamisole) and QT most fish for 3-4 weeks with salted water.

The only fish I haven't QT'd were my otos, I figured they wouldn't like being moved around into different environments too much so put them straight into the main tank.

As for regular routine medications, I've never bothered. If A fish dies for no apparent reason, I check the water parameters and then add salt and increase the water changes for a few weeks but that's all.

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In my view there is absolutely no point in treating fish with anything unless you have an idea of what you are treating. If there is no problem, what is there to fix?
I never medicate anything (including myself) if I can possibly help it. Too many things are becoming resistant to medications these days.


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The only reason I deworm, is because I once bought Mollies and quarantined them for two weeks and then they went into my main tank. A week later the mollies started dying of what looked like starvation and then all my other fish started losing weight and dying, I nearly lost 50% of my tank. After a lot of looking for help, I finally found out the Mollies had intestinal worms and I had to deworm my main tank, since I don't like treating my main tank the whole time I quarantine deworm fish just in case. I do not want a repeat of what happened and that was after two weeks quarantine. I do not know of many people who will actually quarantine for two weeks. :wink:

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Most fish can survive a small load of parasites and be OK if kept in good conditions and not stressed. It may be that it was something other than worms that killed your fish.

Nope, I went back to the place where I bought them and saw that their tank was also under quarantine and the manager told me he was busy treating them for intestinal worms, they also lost almost all of thier mollies. They offered to give me some more for free once they were healthy, but I declined the offer :nilly:

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The only reason I deworm, is because I once bought Mollies and quarantined them for two weeks and then they went into my main tank. A week later the mollies started dying of what looked like starvation and then all my other fish started losing weight and dying, I nearly lost 50% of my tank. After a lot of looking for help, I finally found out the Mollies had intestinal worms and I had to deworm my main tank, since I don't like treating my main tank the whole time I quarantine deworm fish just in case. I do not want a repeat of what happened and that was after two weeks quarantine. I do not know of many people who will actually quarantine for two weeks. :wink:

good for you! I think livebearers are particularly susceptible to worms.. so livebearers especially get QT'd in my house.. 3- 4 weeks PLUS wormed. (I'm using aviverm becuase I can't get a hold of prazi .. aviverm treats callamanus .. those horrid red worms)

Other species of fish 2-3 weeks but I don't worm them , I just observe.

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