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My First Community Tropical Aquarium Advice Please


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I am putting together my first tropical aquarium. I have done Lots of research on the tank, plants, habitat & fish ect, and I have decided on the following.




1 x Ancistrus Bristlenose,

5 x Zebra Loach,

5 x Fancy Guppys

6 x Neon Tetra,

6x Longfin Zebra Danio

What I would like to know is

1. Will this be a happy community tank?

2. Will it be over stocked? / Do I need a bigger tank?

Any opinions on these questions or on any other combinations that I could look at would be much appreciated.

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There are a lot of other combinations possible - too numerous to mention - but your list will be fine, as Jim said.

I hope you have also read up on how to cycle an aquarium, either using fish or doing it the fishless method. If using fish, I suggest you start with the 6 danios on your list. Does anyone here know if the long fins are as hardy as the short finned variety?

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