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I have one small tank that has a very fine powder-like algae that grows over the glass. It's very easy to wipe off (as it's like a powder) but it covers the glass again in no time and I'm sick of it. I don't have any real plants in the tank and have another that doesn't have this fine algae problem in the same room. Algae rid doesn't work - any suggestions?

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I have one small tank that has a very fine powder-like algae that grows over the glass. It's very easy to wipe off (as it's like a powder) but it covers the glass again in no time and I'm sick of it. I don't have any real plants in the tank and have another that doesn't have this fine algae problem in the same room. Algae rid doesn't work - any suggestions?

Is it brown?

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You need to post some details of your tank, what lighting does it have an what plants/fish are in it?

The main cause for algae is usually just an imbalance with the way your tank is running

firsty you should have your light on a timer, 6-8hours

id also say you need to add some more plants to the tank as well

if you can be bothered you could add some DIY co2 an ferts (very easy to do)

I used to have outbreaks all the time an it was basically related to having the tank near a window an not having a good balance with the plants an ferts

theres heaps of info on the forum about this if you do a search

also dont use algae removal products not only are they dangerous but they are unnecessary

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No,it's green.

It's a small tank, about 40 litres and housing one pink convict.

There is no light for the tank and only gets natural light through the window, yet another tank in the same position is fine.

So, adding plants will help? Ok, will add some plants :)

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A convict will destroy most plants. Green algae on the glass is pretty normal, it's just the nutrients in the tank, you could try feeding less or doing bigger water changes but it's unlikely you'll get rid of it. Maybe try a Bristle nose and see if if gets on with the convict.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know green algae is normal, but this tank is more prolific than any others and the algae is different - this algae is like a soft powder over the glass and it's covered it completely in days. I've used this tank before with other fish and I've never had this algae before, it's very weird. I added some java fern but it hasn't helped (convict wasn't interested in the plant) so will add another plant but it doesn't seem to help anyway.

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Oh, please send me a pic of it for the algae treatment guide, I would be so grateful! :bow:

Btw, this is a hard one to pin down the cause of. One thing is pretty certain, plenty of CO2 and good circulation are essential but high nitrates and a reduced light intensity/photo period seem to also be key. Keep in mind though, nitrates over 30ppm are not well tolerated by some fish and of course high CO2 also has its risks.

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You said it's different to other algae and it's green. While it's not exactly powdery, perhaps you mean cynobacter? It's usually a bluish green and my tanks get a small amount of it whenever lights are left on too long. It's more like a slime though, and smells rather nasty when removed from the tank.

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hmmm this is getting abit off topic but ive found turning off my diy co2 an putting in excel instead has made my plants go alot alot better, I was also getting a thick white coating on the surface of my tank which has not gone since stopping diy co2?(yeast leakage I assume but I can't see how this has happened)

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When did you last clean your filter?

I had what I thought was algae but was actually just debris being blown back out of the filter and settling everywhere because the filter was overloaded with gunk. It was easy to wipe off and blew away if I fanned my hand near it. It was very much like dust. Cleaned out the filter and now its gone.

Just a thought.

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