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Review FNZAS forum Assignment


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Hello Everyone.

Today I was given a really "Fun" assignment :happy1: . The assignment is about reviewing a website. So I though why not review FNZAS as I am on everyday and even at uni. This site has a lot of media("Photos"), attracts a lot of people around new Zealand and the site also provide a easy to navigate to pages and this site is about interest and hobby and not about business. So this site is like a huge national community family :love: :happy2: . This site is a perfect to review plus it would be easy as everyone is friendly. I would like to ask the admin or moderator some questions regarding though about the site. If I get high mark I might be posting the review on Fish forum If interested or get high marks. I would need to screenshot "Only of public accessible information NOT private information suck as Pm or anything against forum rules"

I would also appreciate thought about this site's usability ("Please do not Pm me. As I am only allowed to get information for my assignment publicly") This is an open discussion to anyone that is user registered.

Please also list pros and cons.

Things I know about this site:

I have view the source code for this site main page

Powered by phpBB

The designer is scratch media

The hosting appears to be http://www.digitalnetwork.co.nz/

My question to the Admin or Moderators.

How long has this site been running for?

I there a copyright notice on this website?

I will think of other question later on as I just started my assignment.



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There will be a delay in answering until one of the mods or the administrator comes on line to have a look at the site. Its not attended to 24/7 as everyone is a volunteer.

If you need your questions answered quickly you would be best to send a pm as it will pop up as an email.

Administrator - Zev

Moderators - Wok, Suphew, Alanmin & Living Art. Thats it I think. Caryl is away this weekend

Oh, and -

the website is not the FNZAS. Its only part of the FNZAS. You do not currently have to be a financial member of the FNZAS to be part of the website. If you are a financial FNZAS member you get more benefits than just being able to be part of the forum. :D

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ok -

The site has been running since Feb 2001, looked like this: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/200112 ... .nz/fnzas/

Went through different forms with a major upgrade in the beginning of Jan 2009, you can see them by clicking on the Wayback graph in the title bar of the above page.

Copyright in regard to the forum here: ucp.php?mode=terms

and site here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=terms

There will be another upgrade of both the main site and forum shortly, both are in development now.

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Everything need to be public as the markers will check for this things. Anything that I've reference must be present on this site I review. I've got more question. I just need to find a smart way to ask them. Oh, What do you mean

If you are a financial FNZAS member you get more benefits than just being able to be part of the forum. :D
. Please explain thoroughly.

Thank for making my assignment easy. I love this site :love:

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As a financial member of a club (assuming there is one in your area) or you can become a distance member, you receive the club newsletter via email. You also, in belonging to a club, belong to the FNZAS and receive the aquarium world magazine 3 monthly. Its produced here, in NZ, so pretty much everything in it is relevant to NZ fish keeping. There are also small discounts available at some of the pet shops for FNZAS members on production of your membership card as long as you ask politely. Membership is not expensive.

So, you get to meet other like minded people, share ideas, go to events like tank crawls, quizz nights etc, get a chance to swap things like plants, fish, at the local club meetings (this sure beats having to pay out every time you want something especially when you have a cupboard full of unused stuff). You also get to have a say in whats happening in the federation at a local level. Each club has delegates to the national body. If you want you can go to the conference held around NZ each year (this year its in June in Tauranga).

To me its been invaluable. I now know a lot of good people with incredible knowledge. I have had the chance to visit members in other areas and have a look at their tanks, talk to them and swap ideas. :D

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When you first started this forum, what was your target age group? On this site what is the major challenge for users? Do you promote this web site ("Example: Magazine, Tv etc") Would you want to start advertising or increase advertising?

Thank Adrienne for being responsive to my post. I would like for you to give your thought and review on this forum?

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The forum wasn't actually started by the FNZAS. It was first set up and hosted by a member of the Upper Hutt Aquarium Society - Cees Lensink back in 2001. The site very quickly gained popularity and after only a short period of time became too big for Cees to manage on his own. He started bringing other people he knew and trusted on-board to help manage the site.

I don't remember when it happened (will be in the FNZAS archives) but Cees donated the 'Fishroom' as it was known at the time to the FNZAS. Around New Zealand there are a number of aquarium clubs. These clubs can affiliate to the Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies (FNZAS). It's the clubs around New Zealand that make up the FNZAS. There is no actual physically separate organisation as it's volunteer members from the clubs that make up the committee of the FNZAS and manage it's affairs. When you join a club affiliated to the FNZAS you automatically become a financial memebr of the FNZAS. We're also looking at setting up an affiliate membership system where people who don't belong to clubs can sponsor the FNZAS and become financial members.

A lot of the information you're looking for can't be seen on the site at present. When is your assignment due?

Your question has raised an issue I hadn't previously thought about. I think it's time a full history of the FNZAS website was added to the front-end of the site so new members can see what we are and how we came about. Maybe also some info about the FNZAS and it's history too...

As you can see, I've been around for a while. I been associated directly with the FNZAS and it management for a long time (coming up 20 years) although it's nothing compared to some others here...

I've been fairly seriously involved with the FNZAS website from almost the beginning and have had various roles throughout that time. As Zev said, we're currently working on the next upgrade, the first stage to be rolled out within the next 2 weeks... My current role is as a silent admin - no forum admin presence but programming and site support.

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Sorry for the late reply as I am busy with my programming assignment too. My other assignment is due in june. So I've got a lot of time. Thank you Adrienne and Warren and Zev. I'll get back to you with more question probably by the end of this week as I have mid year exams.

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I think this forum is a nice friendly place to get fish help and share experiences. This is what we want it to be.

I was the first member to sign up as Cees used me as a guinea pig to test it several months before it went "live". At that time I did not know what a forum was and had no idea how they worked so he figured if I could follow the site and get signed in etc then anyone could do it 8)

I have been a Moderator ever since.

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The Aquarium world magazine only comes out 4 times a year, not 3 times a month as what Adrienne had stated.

this site I would say is the best fresh water fish site in the country.


I said 3 monthly Wok! Not enough chocolate cake yesterday? :lol:

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The domain http://www.fnzas.org.nz is owned by the Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies Incorporated.

The site is administered and maintained by a committee comprised of members of the above mentioned society.

As mentioned by Warren in an earlier post the site was initially created by an individual, Cees Lensink.

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