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My new guppies


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Finally, after several years of looking at some of the lovely guppies around I have purchased one male and a couple of females. The male is an import, the females have apparently been selectively bred in nZ (I think up here in Auckland). The girls were in a tank with a male from the same colour lines so I do know that any fry I get in about the first six months may not be from the new male or may be a mix. Currently the tank also houses 10 ember tetra and 5 pygmy cory.

What do you think of the male and females? Any useful tips, information or suggestions appreciated. You can see a female in both the 2nd and 3rd photo.




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Not useful tips, information or suggestions but.....

I accidentally procured some guppies too a couple of weeks ago.... I thought I was nuts.... but they are just such beautiful fish, I love the colours and they are characters to watch too.... they are currently in the new setup until I find a job and can afford my killies......

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  • 3 weeks later...
what kind of lightings do you have ? i know it sounds a bit off-topic but lighting do affects guppies color

My lighting on my 3 ft tank with the guppy in is an Aqua One 2ft T8 20 watt light - and its about 5 years old (the bulb that is).

This is a very very low tech tank. :D

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