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I've got a little cockatoo!


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So earlier in the year my female apisto had about 30 fry following her around for a few weeks then all of a sudden they were all gone and she lost her yellow colouring and just moped around the tank.

Then this afternoon while I'm pruning I see a little cockatoo hiding in the sword I was moving. Woo hoo! He's about 1cm long so tiny as but has all the markings (no longer a fry). It's been about 4 weeks since I thought she lost her last batch so it's heartening to know they can hide even if there's only a 1 in 30 chance of survival.

She's now back in her pot guarding a new batch of eggs. Fingers crossed for a better survival rate this time.

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update - my male died this morning. It seems he did his job though and the female is hurding around about 30 fry at the moment. I'm hoping the male was the cause of the last batch being thinned to 1 and this time we'll get a few more survivors. Still sucks to lose a fish though.

Anybody got any male cockatoos for sale?

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Oh no that really sucks :tears:

Maybe you could remove the mother incase she decides to randomly eat the fry?

Animal Anitcs at Mt. Maunganui have some male and female Cockatoos. They are gorgeous! They're $18.50 each. Shipping is quite cheap too - they're shipping me three fish to Blenheim for $30!

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obstacle I feel your pain. I lost my beautiful female last night.

PM me if you are still looking for a male as I have a spare.

Thanks for the offer - it turns out I've got at least 2 juvies from the last batch so I'll wait and see what they colour into (I'm assuming males as the tank is a constant 26 degrees). I thought we might be able to swap bloodlines a bit but then both our pairs came from the same sources...

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Well, you would have had to quarantined him for a decent while anyway cos I don't know what happened with the female. She bloated up and then lost her that night. Tho both the boys (different tanks) look fine, so hopefully was just her.

Managed to get another (cross fingers) female from animal antics today. Tho this one is not nearly as nice as the one I lost in terms of body shape, but has some colour in the tail. Looking promising that it is a female at the moment tho.

Hope your babies grow up nice and strong :)

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Well, you would have had to quarantined him for a decent while anyway cos I don't know what happened with the female. She bloated up and then lost her that night. Tho both the boys (different tanks) look fine, so hopefully was just her.

Yeah, that's what happened to my male. Fingers crossed for your new female though. It'd be good to see how they grow out with some different bloodlines.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I was cleaning out the cannister on the community tank today and as I went to tip out the filthy water in the bottom after cleaning it I noticed 2 juvies in the sink about to go down the plug hole! :o:o :facepalm:

I managed to grab the bigger of the 2 but the other one went down the drain while I watched in horror.

They'd clearly been sucked into the filter and had been growing in the filthy water for about 2 months. From their size I'd say they were from the last batch before the male died.

So now I have 3 juvies and their mother living in the community tank. At least one of the juvies is a male so maybe once they're old enough I can promote some incest and start them breeding again. Might take a while though - they're upset at me for pulling out all the crypts, swords, half the substrate and all the pandas.

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OOOOH NOOOO!!!! watching one go down the drain, what a nightmare!

But yay at finding another one alive, you must breed them pretty hardy.

Think you should invest in an in-plug strainer ;)

Yeah, or move the pots I use as caves away from the filter inlet. Then again, as the rest of the fry got eaten I consider the filter dwellers to be pretty damn lucky on the whole. :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

excellent :) It appears your fish challenges are contagious cos my filter appears to be cycling again in my main tank too, after being established for a year :facepalm: Guess I cleaned it too well last time :tears:

Hopefully that also means that my new pair of cockatoos will spawn next week :D

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Still nothing from my group. Whats your trigger?

I've totally ignored this tank for weeks. No trigger at all. She makes sure she's happy with the caves I've supplied then goes for it.

excellent :) It appears your fish challenges are contagious cos my filter appears to be cycling again in my main tank too, after being established for a year :facepalm: Guess I cleaned it too well last time :tears:

Hopefully that also means that my new pair of cockatoos will spawn next week :D

That sucks! I wonder if it's a first winter thing?

Fingers crossed for your pair. I know mine didn't lay for a fortnight or so after I rescaped.

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