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Sam's 4ft Tank Log (Photo Heavy)


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Finally emptied out the cruddy looking tank in the lounge today. Took almost 8 hours on and off (mostly on) but it's finally done.


FTS with gravel, rocks and wood.


All the Sag I salvaged minus the BBA infested leaves.


Rows of Narrow Leaf Java Fern.


After being planted with the above plus some Crypts.


Closeups of Sag and Java ferns.



Tank full and lit.


More closeups.



Have since added a filter and heater, will add the old occupants tomorrow if all goes to plan.

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Josh, they are in the 90x40 at the moment, due to move back in tomorrow.

Trilo, 4 adult Angels, 6 BN and 3 bronze cories at the moment. I'd like some more cories but they're not high on my priority list.

David, we will try and sort out some backing paper this weekend for sure 8)

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Wow I think that is a fantastic effort Sam :hail:

Much better than anything I could ever do.

I love the layout of the plants - I can just imagin it when it's filled in a bit more. The Sag and Crypts look great around that bit of bogwood.

The stand looks great :hail: Everything looks so tidy - I'm jelous :lol:

I do however think you should have gone for a darker substrate, and maybe put some topsoil and Dalton's Aquatic Mix, or JBL AquaBasis, underneath.

Needs some red plants :bounce:

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Thanks Joe! I'm sure you could do better :P

The substrate will of course darken over time with algae and fish waste. The stand is one Mum's had for ages, I just got a tank made to fit on it :nilly:

Nah I'll never be as good as you at aquascaping. I can only do farm tanks, and that's all I am practicaly capable of creating; my imagination doen't stretch very far, and it always seems to fail me when I need it :-? :lol:

You obviously won't be caring for the tank properly if you're going to let that happen to the substrate 8) And it still won't look as good as a proper dark substrate :)

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The setup looks good, Sam! Man, your lighting is pretty intense in the pic haha! 8)

Quick tip for the backing paper, instead of using double sided tape, go to Spotlight and get 'Off and On Glue'. That stuff is awesome. Just put a thin line along the edges of the tank and wait 5 min for it to dry, then paste the backing paper on. If you misplaced it, just pull it off and stick it back on. To clean it off, just use some warm soapy water.

I used this glue for my black backing paper and I'm never using double sided tape again. If you put it on right, you can't see it from inside the tank (unlike DS tape). Also useful if water seems between the tank and the backing paper (inevitable).

HTH! :wink:

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