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quality pieces. You could go both? Or dont they both fit in together? but if you had to choose one, I would go for the second one on its own, add some smooth round river rocks around some of the roots and plant it up. trying to find an example that I have seen by takashi amano that looks amazing.

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WOOD ENVY!! :sick:

I think it looks great either way up, but possibly better in the top photo.

One of the key things with making a tank look natural (assuming that is what you are going for) is to avoid patterns. Avoid pairs (stick to odd numbers) and avoid putting anything focus in the centre of the tank. One of the best ways to create a good composition is to divide the 'frame' into thirds, be it vertically or horizontally.

Try angling the stump (lying down as per photo 2) into the back left corner of the tank so the knot of roots largely fills one corner then trails off towards the centre of the tank. I think that way the centre-underside of the stump where the roots are densest, will probably fall 1/3rd of the way across the tank.

The reason for angling the stump in the centre is that the root mass is quite flat (ie photo 2). By angling it it will lead your eye deeper into the tank (bear with me: imagine a butler leading you into a room with the sweep of his hand) as well as giving a greater impression of depth.

make sure the parts of the wood that touch the substrate get partly buried by it, and a good way to make that look less contrived (after digging it in) is to sprinkle gravel over top so it gets naturally buried.

Urgh, SO hard to describe visual composition in words!

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1st and 3rd is how you want it, only shifted more to the left. :o :nilly: :lol:

Once you have finished cleaning the glass completely, fill the tank all the way up, leaving a max of 1cm from the brim; add some java ferns to the wood.

so same as last pic but to the left more?

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