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Bristlenose and Golden Bristlenose Q's


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can someone please clarify something for me - i was in my local animates today and i got a little puzzled by the tags for a run of a mill Bristlenose and a golden bristlenose

firstly the bristlenose would get to 5cm max

secondly the GBA saying it would get to 100cm and a fish that size was good for a 100L tank

thirdly whats the standard price for a GBA ? i had the feeling that $32 something was a little pricey ?

please note that this thread is NOT an animates bashing thread but a genuine question for the above



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can someone please clarify something for me - i was in my local animates today and i got a little puzzled by the tags for a run of a mill Bristlenose and a golden bristlenose

firstly the bristlenose would get to 5cm max

secondly the GBA saying it would get to 100cm and a fish that size was good for a 100L tank

thirdly whats the standard price for a GBA ? i had the feeling that $32 something was a little pricey ?

please note that this thread is NOT an animates bashing thread but a genuine question for the above



I don't think that 100cm is a GBA. :)

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Yes, the cards are wrong. That particular card shouldn't be on display.

Animates won't buy fish off back yard breeders and so the GBA price is indicative of the suppliers price to a certain level.

There is another unrelated store in palmy that sold 2cm GBAs for $50 each.

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Yes, the cards are wrong. That particular card shouldn't be on display.

Animates won't buy fish off back yard breeders and so the GBA price is indicative of the suppliers price to a certain level.

There is another unrelated store in palmy that sold 2cm GBAs for $50 each.

i think that card wasnt out but then when i asked how much the girl went and got it - i was thinking what the heck thats so gotta be wrong.....so are brown and golden the same fish just a different color morph ?

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i think that card wasnt out but then when i asked how much the girl went and got it - i was thinking what the heck thats so gotta be wrong.....so are brown and golden the same fish just a different color morph ?

They're both ancistrus. They tend to act the same and grow the same. I also believe they can be bred together, but I don't know if they are exactly the same fish

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The origin of the GBA is probably one of the most hotly debated topics in the catfish world :nilly:

People have finally come around to accept that the commons and the GBA are indeed the same species of fish (previously many thought the GBA was L144) however they breed truly to their respective colours.

The real L144 is terribly rare (worldwide), and will likely never hit our shores.

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You can get some for two dollars each if you are willing to wait a couple of months, mine just had fry :wink: (brown bristlenose)

edited too add two pics



SamH you might be interested to know that the two bigger bristlenoses on the pumpkin is the two little juveniles I got from you in exchange for the guppies :wink:

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You can get some for two dollars each if you are willing to wait a couple of months, mine just had fry :wink: (brown bristlenose)

edited too add two pics



SamH you might be interested to know that the two bigger bristlenoses on the pumpkin is the two little juveniles I got from you in exchange for the guppies :wink:

I was selling mine for a buck each just to get rid of them. I hate fish breeding! Little tiny tank was swarming with them, I lost count somewhere between 200 and 300 and that was months before I got rid of the last of them. :evil:

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I was selling mine for a buck each just to get rid of them. I hate fish breeding! Little tiny tank was swarming with them, I lost count somewhere between 200 and 300 and that was months before I got rid of the last of them. :evil:

I gave our local Animates over 80 of mine for free to get rid of them. Saw them selling them afterwards for 13 dollars each :nilly: next time I do that, I will ask for food or something in exchange. It was my first lot ever, so I was still a bit silly in the way I rehoused them :wink:

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You can get some for two dollars each if you are willing to wait a couple of months, mine just had fry :wink: (brown bristlenose)

edited too add two pics



SamH you might be interested to know that the two bigger bristlenoses on the pumpkin is the two little juveniles I got from you in exchange for the guppies :wink:

oh Melanie those are just Sooooo cute It almost makes me want BN again .. but mine was a bully to the kuhli and now Sam has him.

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