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Hi all,

i have benefitted from a lot of reading on this site. Thought I'd better join in! My name's Rob, live in Auckland. Used to keep fish as a teenager...but very unsuccessfully! Have got back into it now 15 years later (having learnt a lot more - like the PH isn't your fishes phone number...and that you cannot ride a nitrogen cycle to town). Now have a little 110 litre community tank, and having a go with some hardy plants.

Nice to meet you all. I appreciate the friendly tone of so many posts on here.


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Hi BikBok

fish I like...um, better restrict this a little. In my tank, I like my Angelfish (ideal tank this week would be a large planted angel tank, but i think my wife would leave me). I like my dwarf chain loaches, active and fun. I thought I'd like to keep "shellies" sometime, but didn't think they existed in NZ. And although platys were almost my first fish, I like them still for a bit of colour in my tank (as well as a lemon swordtail).

Just a few others I don't have - dwarf neon rainbows, whiptails and electric yellows. That should do it for now!

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Hi Rob. 'ya sound a bit like me. I last kept tropicals but 30 years ago and have just started up again. And for a bit of unsolicited but useful info, A good way to get your wife on board with the bigger tank idea is to, when you have money (not easy these days) but if/when you do have cash promise her that thing she's been hankering for-you know, new couch, holiday whatever...it's a payoff but it worked for me!

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A good way to get your wife on board with the bigger tank idea is to, when you have money (not easy these days) but if/when you do have cash promise her that thing she's been hankering for-you know, new couch, holiday whatever...it's a payoff but it worked for me!


I got my hubby on board by buying him his own fish .. so he has ONE fish in the tank - but it's his.

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