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However, there should be a change for the better.

AJL has clearly shown a number of inconsistancies in what Layton has been saying, and I have also clearly prooved him wrong on the zeobac issue.

There is no further need for him to keep trying to fart against thunder :D

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So I bring information from two microbiologists, and you post a link to a book sold on Amazon? Do you feel you can't accurately describe what they say that would contradict the theory I posted? Didn't you say you agreed with each part of the theory? If so, we now have a viable theory that would describe, within the parameters of a marine tank and what the manufacturer says, why zeobac bacteria might need to be continually dosed, refuting your point.

If you would just admit that you were wrong to imply that there is no good reason to have to continually dose zeobac, we could be done with this inane conversation.

"Hey, Layton, remember when you said this?'

"I didn't say that."

"But here's a direct quote from you."

"OK, I was wrong on that, but I'm right on this."

"But here's a reason why what you say isn't true.

"Quit twisting my words!"

"But here are more direct quotes from you."

"Here, read this book!"


You win. Congrats.


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Purple tipped acro, about a month prior to starting zeovit:


About a month after:


Obviously my photography improved :), but you can clearly see the effect. That coral had been in my tank for many months prior to the first photo.


What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words, dozens of "theories" or in the case of this thread, a million words :lol: :lol: :lol:

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that is one beautiful acro, but even as AJL says himself, pictures can be deceiving. eg: why does the picture look yellow, murky, without contrast nd hardly in focus in the first pic yet the second pic the water is clear and in focus? the evidence maybe clear that zeoxxx works, however i dont think the photo's are enough proof and are too biased towards the after shot. perhaps someone has some better shots? or perhaps zeoxxx also fixes out of focus photography? 8)

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Hi, all...

I fully agree, pictures can be deceiving. In looking at the two pictures again, though, the lighting is the same, and not much else in the tank changed. The back blue wall is much cleaner, though, which adds brightness in the second pic, and the rocks are much cleaner in the second pic: all due to zeovit, since I don't "scrub down" the rocks or walls. :) The white balance was probably adjusted better in the second pic, since I learned a bit more about the camera in those few months.

I have many tank pictures at:


Some of my favorites:






I don't have a full tank before shot; I just looked through all the pictures I took. Sorry, wish I did; the tank is quite a bit better than then. JMHO. :)


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I've never shipped internationally, so I don't know how feasible it is. I've worked deals with the East Coast before, though, with 11-12 frags getting swapped, so if it's possible, I've seen frags on here I'd swap for...maybe 2-3 people getting together to swap with me?

I'm game, if it's doable...it'd be cool to have frags from a few Kiwi reefers...:)


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thats why we dont have lots of cool stuff

we do get lots of cool stuff, what do we miss out on??

Everyone of those acros have been in, just comes comes down to simple economics, pointless bringing in huge amount of acropora to supply 10-20 hobbyist who keep them.

i would say over time when the hobby matures there might be more hobbyist who want them.

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What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words, dozens of "theories" or in the case of this thread, a million words :lol: :lol: :lol:

Umm... sorry, I didn't know that I was trying to say zeovit doesn't work. Just because it works, there is not need to go make up reasons to explain HOW it works, which are not even close to accurate.

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Just because it works, there is not need to go make up reasons to explain HOW it works, which are not even close to accurate.

This is getting really tiresome. You have no idea how it works because, like the rest of us, you have no idea what's in it. Every theory you've come up with as to what it is or isn't doing has been shot down: the zeolites don't do "nothing", as you've finally admitted, and there have been theories presented that fully explain hang-ups you seem to have like why zeobac would need to be redosed periodically. Note that I'm not trying to claim the theories are true; it doesn't matter if they're true, because all they are meant to show is that you're wrong when you say that there could be no reason behind redosing bacteria. I fully admit that we're as in the dark as you are on what exactly is happening, but there are consistent theories out there, vetted through multiple microbiologists, that align with observational results by hundreds of users and that are consistent with manufacturer claims. And of course, there are the end results in hundreds of tanks.

So basically, if anyone is making anything up, it would seem to be you. If you have a theory as to how the system works and test results that prove some or all of it, that is consistent with observation, and that proves the manufacturer is lying, I'd love to hear it. In the meantime, please quit slandering the product; it adds nothing to the conversation.


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Everyone of those acros have been in, just comes comes down to simple economics, pointless bringing in huge amount of acropora to supply 10-20 hobbyist who keep them.

It is my belief that most of the people keeping acros have purchased directly off the importers so we do not see a lot in the shops. I have seen several great AKL based tanks, with lots of neat acros. I guess the shops tolerate this as the market is small, and to be honest if they sold them many would be purchased by people who do not have the skills or technology to support them.

That is why I started the thread, in a somewhat toungue in cheack why, of asking when all the cool acros shown recently on this site would be in the shops..... I am not saying this is wrong... in fact you can probably see a consistant tone in my posts supporting direct sales. I just find some of the culture in the trade to be slightly ammusing.


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lduncan, your theories are very very interesting. The problem I have is they don't seem to be your theories, but more of adopted theories. I've been watching you post on RC for a while now but you never really say anything. You wait until a scientist posts something then you say something like "I completely agree". I have yet to see you actually add something useful to a conversation. Since you know so much about the system maybe you can enlighten us all as to why your theories are correct and those posted by others (pro zeo users) are incorrect.

When you first started posting I seem to remember you saying that the zeobac wasn't necessary. That clearly shows you don't have a real understanding of all the mechanisms at play here. So if you actually have something of your own to add and not just regurgitate ramblings from Bomber on RC and pass them off as your own, then i'd be thrilled to discuss it with you.

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