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help catching fish"


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Happy new year people! :happy1:

any1 with good tips on how to do easy catching fish in a big tank??

i spend 3 days now trying to catch my fish in my big tank.. its too hard to catch them.. :facepalm:

Take all the stuff that's in the way out, use a big net.

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you're just going to have to get in and out-swim them :D

:lol: :lol: after some guy scare me with the thickness of my fish tank i wacked on a whole lots of bracing to secure my tank..so the biggest gap entry to my tank are 300mm :facepalm:

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it is easy after lights out, i also use a torch. for a tank that size i would make a divider, fortunately i have a piece of perspex that i will use when i have a tank of that size.

ok will try out this methods 2nite.. :happy2:

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I usually take some water out till just under the filter and outlet (my fish loves to hide there) then I remove everything including heaters. I use two large nets to corner them to the front glass, there I just put the net over them and slowly start lifting the net. Once they see that there is no more water towards the top then they swim straight into the net :wink:

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haha, had this problem, 20 slippery clown loaches.....took more tahn 2 hours!!!

remove EVERYTHING fromt eh tank.

IF needed reduce water level.

use massive nets. 2 of them.

and in some scases, the fish just needs to get tired out.

when you tire out the fish, you will catch them easily.

with big fish, i use a onion sack or a fishing net.

i used a onion sack with the arowana, smooth fibres. easy

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what fish are you trying to catch?

was trying to grab the Vieja, its pairing up..

well people tried twice last night with the light turning off..

woke up for a wee, sneek in with my phone torch try to grab the fish..

still couldnt catch them.. :facepalm:

all the other cichlids was easy to grab, but the Vieja are just too good to handle!

i dont really want to empty most of the tank water just to try to catch fish.. :facepalm:

ahh well..

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