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Plant suggestions

kuhli loach

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Well if you do want "nice foreground, midground and background plants" you will need to change the bulb on your tank. Some Crypts will be fine with incandescent lighting, but not much else.

You need a 6500K spectrum bulb. It's an energy saver and is sold as cool daylight. Pick one up from placemakers.

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yeah get a 'cool daylight' energy saver the brighter the better. then crypts, java fern, (mid) green hygrophilla (back) and theres not many foreground plants that will live without good light, but ive have good success with mondo grass. java fern is great you can plant it on wood/rocks to get more hight. mondo grass is tricky because its technically a terrestrial plant but ive found it adapts to being totally submersed. other plants that might work: cabomba, indian fern but the others are a better bet.

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These are all easy to care for, so they'll be great for a beginner like you:

Alternanthera reineckii

Echinodorus bleheri

Echinodorus tenellus

Echinodorus quadricostatus

Echinodorus latifolius

Hygrophila difformis

Hygrophila polysperma

Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'

Ludwigia repens

Ludwigia arcuata

Rotala indica

Limnophila sessiliflora

Vesicularia montagnei

Vesicularia dubyana

Microsorum pteropus

Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'

Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow Leaf'

Nymphaea lotus

Saggitaria subdulata

Cryptocoryne cordata

Cryptocoryne petchii

Cryptocoryne willisii

Cryptocoryne wendtii

Cryptocoryne affinis

Hydrocotyle verticillata

Heteranthera zosteraefolia

Riccia fuitans

Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Cabomba carolina

Anubias barteri

Anubias barteri var. Nana

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If you want, you can put a 3cm layer of JBL AquaBasis Plus underneath the silica sand. Or you can just use JBL Root Balls underneath the plants that need root fertilization most, like Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus and Nymphaea sp. Also use liquid fertilizers.

The list I provided is just a guideline; there are still a few more plants out there that you will have success with, or you may have a plant that is considered difficult to care for, but flourishes in your tank for some reason.

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