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Photos of my fish and tank - THE END! :-)


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Ayo DJ Pauly aint a loach fan either but I don't go posting about it


I'm not some fake ass wannabe pretending to be someone else either but I don't go posting about it

p.s I also don't go around talking about paul's head looking like a mop but hey who needs to, everyone thinks it.


Joe, you could try smaller pots and surround them with gravel/sand?

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I'm not some fake ass wannabe pretending to be someone else either but I don't go posting about it

p.s I also don't go around talking about paul's head looking like a mop but hey who needs to, everyone thinks it.

Lol u mad bro?

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Thanks guys! It really is looking better than when I first posted the original pics. I'm quite pleased with it :D

Joe, you could try smaller pots and surround them with gravel/sand?

The whole point in the pots is because this tank is only set up until I can get something better, so when I get a better tank I won't have to worry about taking out substrate which is such a hassle and a big job. Also I am wanting to breed my Apistos and Emperor Tetras so if I end up getting any fry I can do maintainance more easily - instead of needing to vacume substrate I can just siphon off all the mulm directly and I will know if I have missed a spot or not. Because imagin a whole lot of little cichlids - the amount of plants I have will not be enough to use up all the ammonia, and when they put on a growth spurt because of it the bigger ones will outgrow the smaller and more light-needing plants and then my tank will become unbalanced and then I'll probably have algae outbreaks etc. Whereas the pots contain the plants so they don't go bonkers. The only plants though that I can't contain are the ferns and mosses and they just grow everywhere


What sort of ferts do you use?

Fish poo and Flourish Excel :D

BTW guys I'm sorry about the photos. They didn't turn out very good because of the light in my room (I had the curtains closed because the sunlight was creating to many reflections on the tank and my curtains are red so when I closed then it created a red haze over everything). The photos really don't to justice on the Apistogramma macmasteri. He has a beautiful glossy iridescent body and lovely orange fins, but they look a bit yellow in the photos (although they did actually used to be yellow when he was younger).

They're like cheap clay balls if the plants get big enough :lol: Family friend of mine put some "Japanese rush" in a plant pot in their pond and over two years it ate half of it :o

Loving the tank Joe!

Thanks Josh! I do actually have JBL balls in the pots, which is why the Crypts and swordplant are doing so well :)

I need to get some Cyperus helferi :bounce:

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Thank you for ignoring them Joe :roll:

No probs :wink: It's pretty pathetic really, so I just stay out of it :lol: :)

I definately need to replace my T8 tubes; they are so old that one of them was flickering this afternoon! :o I'll probably get PowerGlos or something fancy like that this time :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK so I'm getting a little tired of the pots. They are quite good but I am finding that the plant growth is slow and they are quite cramped in the pots. I'm thinking of getting a bigger tank, 100x50x55cm (instead of my current 100x30x50cm), just made out of standard tank glass (which I found out is called "Ultra White") and making a mineralized topsoil substrate with some JBL AquaBasis Plus and either fine gravel or JBL Manado on top. I am already investing in the substrate (I have bought some Dolomite, Epsom Salts and Potassium Chloride and JBL Florapol 700g x2). I need to get the AquaBasis and topsoil now, and some Manado. While I'm doing that hopefully I will get my macmasteri to breed so I can sell the fry to make some extra cash so I can afford T5 lighting (this is the fixture I'm looking at; http://www.aquascapedesign.com.au/produ ... hting.html Because the tank will be 50cm wide then I will need at least 6 tubes to spread light evenly across the tank. I want to aim for at least 1-2 watts of light per liter of water). Then I will just need to get the bigger tank, and I already have a brand new Jager 300watt heater that I bought ages ago but have never used so there's my heater :)

By doing all this then I can grow my plants on a larger scale so I can earn more money by selling them, so I can eventually afford high-tech tanks with metal halides, OptiWhite glass and pressurized CO2 :D

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