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Do Koura regrow there claws?


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Yesterday i found that my koura lost both arms/claws at the base.one was missing and the other one she was eating..has this happened to other peoples koura?

So i had to transfer her to another tank so the other koura dosent finish her off..

Will they grow back??? :o

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Yes they grow back, slowly, with each future moult.

It is very difficult keeping two koura together. Can be possible if the ground area is really big and there are lots of hiding places, but no guarantees. Being with others also puts them at much greater risk of being 'nibbled' when shedding.

How long have they been together?

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they have been in there for 3 years,the tank is big (like 1.5mtrs wide) and theres heaps of places to hide but untill she grows the claws back she is in another tank.

Every april she has orange :hail: eggs on her and carrys them untill november but for some reason the male never fertilizes them as they never grow,which is dissippointing as it would be good to get some baby crays..any ideas.

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wow, impressive!

Maybe she just isn't into him ;)

I wonder if it would be more sensible to move him out instead? Whoever is left in the home tank will be establishing it as their territory, and when the other cray is put back, they will likely attack them as an intruder. With animals the defender usually fights with greater vigour than the attacker.

It will likely take a very long time for the claws to fully regrow - multiple moults, and as you have likely noticed, the time between moults lengthens as they get older. She will get little claws after the next moult, but they won't be her usual size.

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