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60L Biotope Ideas.


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It is time to redo my 60l tank... again.

I would quite like to try a proper biotope tank.

I'm not quite sure what region to model it from though. I quite like South American fish/tanks but am open to all ideas.

What do people think?

I have a limited budget as I'm pretty broke at the moment, but biotopes really shouldn't cost to much anyway.

Photos of other tanks are appreciated too. :lol:

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I quite like this tank, but I think it could be improved with a few plants. As the articles says, strictly speaking it is not a biotope. I think the fish would be quite interesting though. Bumblebee gobies are supposed to have a lot of personality for a small fish.


Quite probably would work out more expensive than the 'Avon Biotope' though.

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Dwarf gourami could be an option.

No idea what their biotope would look like though.

The gobie biotope is very interesting. I'd be something new to try and looks pretty simple.

I got a few rocks from outside and tried out the scape. I reckon I could do it well if I can get my tank to clear.

Need sticks though.

i'll leave the colourful tank to my brother.

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I think you should definately consider doing an Asian blackwater tank with Sundadanio axelrodi (if you can find them of course!). Other fish you could have in it are CPDs, Mosquito Rasboras, Boraras maculatus, Danio tinwini, Trigonopoma pauciperforata (you can purchase these at Oraganism, and they are very high-quality), Trigonostigma hengeli and Trigonostigma espei.

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From the same site, this has dwarf croaking gouramis/pygmy gouramis in it. I think i have seen some of these around before, or perhaps I am confusing them with the chocolate gourami

You could use it for any asian biotope really, kuhli loaches hiding in the leaf litter would look cool


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@sam, I've tried that one before. It failed pretty bad. Mostly because the wood was rotting... but also it just didn't look right.

@joe, I'm not a fan of the sandudanio, although I do like the mosquito rasbora. It could be another option.

Right now I have set up something similar to the gobie biotope. But the wood is white and so doesn't have the same contrast. ... :o

@fishkeepa, I have pygmy/croaking gourami in the tank at the moment, so that could be a very cheap way to go! :lol:


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