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Lighting/planting advice please


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Just wondering if the plant experts out there have any good advice that would improve my tank.

Any plant suggestions or especially regarding the lighting - if it's enough, correct colour etc.


300L Rio - 2xT5 54w tubes - Day & Nature (9000k & 4100k) 50cm water depth. JBL base stuff underneath gravel.

Have added CO2 now (thanks to the great DIY CO2 thread) which dropped my pH from 7.2 to 6.0 overnight.. so I'm guessing a lot of the CO2 is getting disolved into the water.


Amazon, Argentine, Chain and Micro Chain Swords. Anubias, a bit of twisted Val and some Ambulia that I'm sure will do well no matter what I do :wink: I also have a bucket full of xmas moss that I recently took out but am unsure of what to do with it now.. (taking out the driftwood is not an option because it is mounted on a tile under the JBL base layer. If I had to attach anything to the wood it would have to be done in the water)

Any help is much appreciated.. this is my first go ever at a real planted tank.

Here's a current picture (have just cut down all Ambulia to get some fresh shoots come up)


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I personally like the layout of the tank. If any thing had to be changed around, I would say it was the big stone in the centre. Not so much change around; but more so rotated using the LHS as a pivot so the RHS is further back; and then scatter a few smaller stones around it.

Apart from that - plant positioning is well thought out for long term growth, lighting levels are adequate and with the addition of CO2 you will be surprised at how the plants suddenly boom.

I think stargrass(what is the temp of the water?) would be a better plant to have at the back instead of that other small sword like plant? Is that chain sword? If so bring that further front where the front pane of the glass is.

As for red, R. rotundifolia has never gone red when I have grown them under a juwel tank with stock bulbs; that may have something to do with ferts as well. Give it a higher spectrum of light and it goes red.

Might type more later :lol: HTH :D

Oh and Hygro polysperma - great for covering up unwanted spaces in the background.

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Thanks for the comments..

The "sword like" plants in the background are a mix of amazon and argentine swords so they will get well big especially now with the co2..

The light green patch front left is chain sword and front right patch (left of the anubias) is micro chain sword..

I'm thinking of getting rid of the ambulia in the back and replace with another plant but unsure which.. an amazonia plant would be great to go with the theme but doesn't have to be.

Oh and temp is around 29-30 because of the Discus in there..

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