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Possible aquarium-related scam?

David R

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I just received this email;

Dear Sir/ Madam ,

Our company Friendship Aquatics LTD, a Nigerian based company, specialises in the export of different types of live tropical fish

(freshwater fish )reptiles , aquatic Plants and Africa Snails

We can, and are willing to, meet your demand for the above mentioned items.

We look forward to hearing from you.



Gilead Uzoma

Friendship Aquatics LTD


[email protected]

[email protected]



The fact that it was a Nigerian-based unsolicited email made me immediately think scam. How ever, because it was based around fish/reptiles it made me think it was far more thorough and targeted than the usual "I am prince Mbutu and need you to help me leave the country with $72billion" type scams.

So I googled them, and the first hit was their own website, which on the surface looks fairly legit; http://www.fsaquatics.com/index.html

How ever, about 5 lines into their stock list I see "Osteoglossum Africana", hmm. The whole website seems a bit basic and unprofessional, and I'm still sure it is part of an elaborate scam.

I'm really interested to see if anyone else from the forums I visit also received the email, I haven't signed up to anywhere new for some time now, so I'm guessing he's picking email addresses from one of the ones I regularly visit.

Anyway, will be interesting to see if he replies to my email...

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I have never really taken any notice of those things since we can't bring fish in. I have received similar from other supposed companies from other countries too. I also get invited to conferences and stuff :-?

I always assumed they were legit but did not give them much thought.

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My email;

Dear Gilead.

Thanks you sincearly for your email, you are exactly the kind of person I have been searching for to help me locate rare fish of the genus Polypterus from Nigeria and the surrounding areas. It is as if God has guided your hand in randomly selecting my email address. I am only interested in wild-caught fish with correct habitat data stating the exact location in the river/lake they were caught in, but I'm sure a reputible and capable firm such as yours would be providing all of that anyway.

Also, the border of my home country is very strict, there would need to be some obfuscation around the naming of the fish when they are shipped as only half of the species of Polypterus are allowed to be imported. We will need to invent some sort of special code language so I can tell which fish are which, but the authorities cannot.

I look forward to seeing detailed photographs, prices and sizes of your current stock.





Got a reply with a whole bunch of random pictures of fish, crabs, snails and shrimp. Many of the fish pics are photographs of pictures from Axelrods Encyclopedia of Fresh Water Aquarium Fish, I recognise the pictures and the symbols below the pics, and its obvious they are a photo of a photo.

I'll tell him I need pictures of the actual fish I am interested in and see what he can produce....

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Dear Gilead.

Thank you greatly for your very prompt reply.

While I appreciate seeing the entire range of fascinating and wonderful creatures you offer, I am only interested in a few very specific varieties of the Genus Polypterus. While they are extremely beautiful, the crabs, shrimp, snails and other curiosities you supply are of no interest to me as I only keep fish. Also the importing of live animals (other than fish) to our country is prohibited, so while fish can easily be renamed and slipped through the official channels, importing colourful crabs would require a complex smuggling operation requiring several boats, contacts in various countries, and an expert captain most likely with a pet parrot. Obviously crabs cannot be strapped to the body like birds, small mammalls and small reptiles, at least not comfortably enough to endure the long flight to New Zealand. They would most likely sell very well though and earn you a lot of money if they could be brought in, but I digress..

The fish I am interested in are;

Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri, especially specimen from Lake Chad

Polypterus endlicheri congicus, especially larger examples over 20" in length.

Polytperus bichir bichir, any sizes or vatients possible.

While they are not as rare or sought after, large specimen of P. delhezi and P. senegalus (wild caught of course) may still be of interest if they are over 12" in total length.

I am somewhat unsure as to why you require my company name and address at this point of the procedure though. No doubt you are aware of the large number of "scammers" present in your country who try to lure gullable old people into providing their bank details with false offers of millions of dollars. However, I already feel a connection with you as we are both lovers of the natural world and my gut instinct tells me I should trust you. Why else would God have led you to me?

I am greatly anticipating your reply, if you are able to supply the fish I seek. I need to see photographs of the actual fish you have available so I can pick and choose the individual specimens I like as there is a lot of variance with wild caught fish. I do not wish to pay top dollar for substandard livestock, although I have no doubt your quality livestock will not disappoint my high standards.




Kia Ora,



Wonder if he'll buy it, or if he'll figure out he's wasting his time...

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As much as it might be tempting, I would be advise against entering into any sort of correspondence, or opening any attachments files of emails of this sort of nature.

The more contacts you make the more you are opening up your Computer and its operating system, and your identity to their scrutiny.

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just had a look at there website and for a nigerian scammer they have gone to a lot of effort haha, normally they just spam thousands of people with the same e-mail waiting for a response, i had this tried on me while selling my car on TM except they were chinese, overseas and wanted to pay by paypal, looking for the same outcome of using a donkey to convert stolen/dirty money through paypal.

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As much as it might be tempting, I would be advise against entering into any sort of correspondence, or opening any attachments files of emails of this sort of nature.

The more contacts you make the more you are opening up your Computer and its operating system, and your identity to their scrutiny.

Its a little late for that now! :oops:

Scam baiting is a fairly popular "sport" and I'm yet to hear of any Nigerian scammers who are also expert hackers who manage to steal your bank details with spyware. I think if they had that kind of technology they wouldn't build websites posing as tropical fish exporters or write big stories about being royalty looking to escape the country with their fathers fortune...

A friend just made a good point, if they're going for credibility, why on earth do they say they are from Nigeria??? :lol:

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I recently had mail from 'Spanish lawyer" .

Long story short. I googled the name and found it was a scam run out of The 'States'.

There were few post on particular forums about it.

They had followed the domain host to Florida then to Mid-west somewhere.

They had a full web site of Spanish Law firm set up. Doesn't take much to set up web site.

I think think the term is a portfolio of set-ups they had going.

Obviously they are opportunistic in the way they operate, so my view is to give them no opportunity

I'm just suggesting that Assuming things about their methods or motives or opening up any portal of communication between you and them could bite you- particularly if it is for no other reason than your entertainment.

I'd say if you google them you would probably get all the info you require and in al probability already know.

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Its a numbers game. the more people you spam, the more likely you are to find a a gullible numpty who'll get scammed.

I even get texts from these types of scams. some are completely random as per usual scams, others are particular, expressing interest in any vehicles im selling on trademe.

Either way, hate them all.

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