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What do I need to know about Planted Nano Aquariums?


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Hi everyone,

I'm getting a 52x26x31 nano aquarium, and I'm thinking of growing the following in it:

Hygrophila polysperma "Rosanervig" (Sunset Hygro)



Possibly a bit of hairgrass and/or Xmas moss

Filtration will be an Eheim Classic 250 2213. Fish - Ember Tetras. Lighting - thinking of a couple of 8 watt T5 PowerGlos (30cm), and a power compact at each side since the powerglos aren't the length of the tank, and leave a 10cm gap of unlighted area on each side. CO2 - with all the plants and amount of light, I figure DIY should be fine. I'll use a coke bottle or something. Substrate: JBL Aquabasis Plus, JBL Manado, a bit of laterite and some sand. Heating - I'll find something suitible.

Does this sound good? Have I missed anything? What care is required? And most of all, will this work? I can't really find any good, solid, reliable info on the net.


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No not Dutch. Sort of ADA, but really I'm making up my own style. The riccia and glosso will carpet most of the tank, and the Hygro. polysperma "Rosanervig" will be in the left hand corner.

Yes the tank is going to be custom-made (out of OptiWhite Glass too :bounce: ).

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How high would you suggest? Is there any other plant that looks like polysperma "Rosanervig" that grows shorter? Maybe I could ditch the polysperma altogether and fill that corner with hairgrass or sagittaria?

You can trim it, but its gna grow quite fast...

Ditch it and keep with your low level stuff :)

Sagittaria over hairgrass IMO

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Hygro will grow to the surface and spread across blocking the light to the glosso etc.

Righty ho, that's definately out. Are there any plants that are red and grow quite short?

Ditch it and keep with your low level stuff

Sagittaria over hairgrass IMO

I've got Sag. microfolia and subdulata. Subdulata can grow up to 60cm in high light, and I need high light for the glosso and riccia, so I'll use the microfolia. It grows to about 10cm I think, maybe bigger, under high light. One plant I forgot to mention is Hemianthus umbrosum. Does anyone have a bit they could sell me?

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Joe, I think your idea about the Hemianthus is good as it has more dense growth than Glosso so it can be pruined into attractive mounds. There are a couple of varieties around so you might be able to get some (try Hollywood Fish Farm, they sell online through their website now). Also, nano tanks look good with a sense of scale, meaning that smaller leaves, smaller fish and smaller hardscapes all contribute to a spacious looking mini aquascape. For some plants that have smaller scaled leaves, perhaps you could try Hemianthus sp, Echinodorus tenellus tenellus (for carpeting) and Ludwigia arcuata or Rotala macrandra (for the red, but it will require frequent pruning to keep it short).

For increased visual impact, try limiting your plant species to just a few, and keep them clumped together and always choose carefully when selecting the hardscape, it is so important for keeping good composition when your plant growth fluctuates.

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I still want to use glosso and riccia for the sunstrate. Hemianthus will look good trimmed into little mounds like you suggested Jennifer. Ludwigia arcuata - what a great idea for red! Why didn't I think of that? Another plant I can use is Lilaeopsis sp.

lilaeopsis Zealandia sword looks good. really nice and lush :)

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lilaeopsis Zealandia sword looks good. really nice and lush

I know! I saw some at the petshop once. A huge pot - enough to plant a nano - and it was only $18! It was so cool. They also have the mauritiana as well sometimes, and that's another one I really like. Brasiliensis looks very similar too.

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I know! I saw some at the petshop once. A huge pot - enough to plant a nano - and it was only $18! It was so cool. They also have the mauritiana as well sometimes, and that's another one I really like. Brasiliensis looks very similar too.

As a 'bunch plant' you get a decent amount for just a few bucks too.

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