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Something to keep in mind about apperances is that sooner or later you will need a job

Some of these things are not going to help you get ahead which is the same with tatoos

Fine for out the back on an assembly line but for mamagement or sales it would probably be quite restricting.

Im sure that there will be replies that will say but Im a manager and I have this and that but it will almost definatly make employment a little less easy

Very true a few years back but times are changing, thats not to say if u had a giant skull tattooed on your forehead it would be acceptable in todays society, but more and more of the younger generation are tattooed and peirced, just go to the beach in the middle of summer and look at some of the people walking around, most people have some sort of body art these days. Give it ten years and you will see a dramtic change in the front counter staff, sales, and management.

Also am i the only person who has noticed the very tall bald man at HFF roskill (sorry not sure of your name) who has both arms almost completly tattooed... in my opinion absolutly awesome!

and josh.... pastafarianisim so where is my mac and cheese when i come over then!!!

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As an employer, if the choice was of two of very similar quality applicants, I would without a doupt choose the "clean apparence" as to me it shows better judgments

I do enploy 2 guys that have tatoos and neither show them off at work, they both hide them

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Something to keep in mind about apperances is that sooner or later you will need a job

Some of these things are not going to help you get ahead which is the same with tatoos

Fine for out the back on an assembly line but for mamagement or sales it would probably be quite restricting.

Im sure that there will be replies that will say but Im a manager and I have this and that but it will almost definatly make employment a little less easy

The world is becoming more and more accepting. Local animates has a lot of pierced and tattoed people. But yeah, part of the reason I stopped the phase is because i pulled my head in.

I agree with the acceptance thing.

Pastafarianism doesn't mean i can cook :P well i can cook if you can fix that electricity thing :wink:

Very true a few years back but times are changing, thats not to say if u had a giant skull tattooed on your forehead it would be acceptable in todays society, but more and more of the younger generation are tattooed and peirced, just go to the beach in the middle of summer and look at some of the people walking around, most people have some sort of body art these days. Give it ten years and you will see a dramtic change in the front counter staff, sales, and management.

Also am i the only person who has noticed the very tall bald man at HFF roskill (sorry not sure of your name) who has both arms almost completly tattooed... in my opinion absolutly awesome!

and josh.... pastafarianisim so where is my mac and cheese when i come over then!!!

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As an employer, if the choice was of two of very similar quality applicants, I would without a doupt choose the "clean apparence" as to me it shows better judgments

I do enploy 2 guys that have tatoos and neither show them off at work, they both hide them

fair enough, but why pay a lot of money to get a tattoo that you like on your body, and 5 out of 7 days of the week have to hide it under clothes. To me people are too judgemental

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If you want to learn more about us Pastafarians, livingart, go to the website of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster :wink:

I had to look up "snakebites" too. Piercings of any sort make me shudder :-?

I don't like them either.

It was something my son had wanted for a very long time and for whatever reason were ultra important to him. He even wrote a long letter to us about it. So there were some strict conditions put in place for him to earn the right to have them and keep them! Sort of like a motivation to work hard at school. He thinks we're too strict but hey - he's wearing snakebites. I just hopes he grows out of the phase.

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I don't like them either.

It was something my son had wanted for a very long time and for whatever reason were ultra important to him. He even wrote a long letter to us about it. So there were some strict conditions put in place for him to earn the right to have them and keep them! Sort of like a motivation to work hard at school. He thinks we're too strict but hey - he's wearing snakebites. I just hopes he grows out of the phase.

Its a teenager thing :wink: Especially snake bites. Does he have a fringe?

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As an employer, if the choice was of two of very similar quality applicants, I would without a doupt choose the "clean apparence" as to me it shows better judgments

I do enploy 2 guys that have tatoos and neither show them off at work, they both hide them

When my hubby decided to get into a sales related job , he took out the ear stud for that reason. Ear stud is very tame and boring compared to todays fashions but he felt it would impact on his employability for a job that works with all sorts of people.

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Very true a few years back but times are changing, thats not to say if u had a giant skull tattooed on your forehead it would be acceptable in todays society.

That's a good idea for my next one when Arnold Schwarzenegger is finished. :wink: Still wanna be my boyfriend? :lol:

yep that is a fringe I guess though he's changing it to be longer at the sides so he can "coon" it.. (racoon stripes)

Oh hell stop him now! :lol:

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